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Comment créer une synergie entre Pyke et Renata Glasc dans la même équipe ?Pyke is in the a tier of champions

Pyke with Renata Glasc

Comment gagner avec Pyke et Renata Glasc ? jumelés ensemblePyke is in the a tier of champions

Comment mettre en synergie Pyke et Renata Glasc ?

basé sur 70 jeux avec Pyke et Renata Glasc
52,9 %
0,1 %

Comment nous analysons les paires de champions dans LoL

At MOBA Champion, we download the stats from from millions of League of Legends matches straight from Riot Games each and every week. Pyke has fought alongside Renata Glasc in 70 recent, ranked games. By accumulating so much great data from the hosts of League of Legends, we are confident that we can give you robust, insightful builds to help Pyke play with Renata Glasc. It is very rare for Pyke to play with Renata Glasc as teammates. This pairing has only happened in about 0.1% of rounds with Pyke.

Pyke Renata Glasc Résumé de la synergie

Pyke has done a good job of playing alongside Renata Glasc. Typically, he wins a terrific 52.9% of rounds the champions fight alongside one another. If you want to do better as Pyke when playing with Renata Glasc by learning how to better synergize your playstyle with them, then check out the full build (with items, runes, summoner spells, and skills) below!

Meilleure Build pour les matchs avec Pyke vs Renata Glasc


Premiers articles

Heure souhaitée
Épée longueAtlas

Objets suivants

~5 Mins
BottesÉpée longue

Objets de base de Pyke

~22 Mins
Ange gardienManteau de la nuitOpposition céleste

Articles facultatifs

Hydre profane

Summoner Spells

summonerflash summoner spell D
summonerdot summoner spell F

Ordre de compétence

Première compétence pour Pyke à monter de niveauq
Deuxième capacité pour Pyke de monter de niveaue
Dernière compétence pour Pyke à maximiserw


DominationDéluge de lamesRuée offensiveBalise zombieChasseur ultime
PrécisionTriompheCoup de grâce
Ability HasteAdaptive ForceArmor
Pyke's passive ability p
Pyke's q ability q
Pyke's w ability w
Pyke's e ability e
Pyke's ultimate ability r

Guide de la synergie entre Pyke et Renata Glasc.

Conseils pour jouer en tant que Pyke avec Renata Glasc

L'attaque non maintenue de Harponnage est beaucoup plus rapide et inflige des dégâts supplémentaires.

Un bon nombre de vos sorts offensifs vous permettent aussi de fuir. Prévoyez toujours un moyen de vous éloigner d'un combat.

L'attaque maintenue de Harponnage attire toujours l'ennemi touché sur la même distance. Utilisez-la à bout portant pour projeter votre cible derrière vous.

Pyke est très fragile, alors n'hésitez pas à vous replier temporairement. Vous pouvez régénérer beaucoup de PV avec Don des noyés quand les ennemis ne vous voient pas.

Pyke Renata Glasc Statistiques de synergie

Pyke Image
52,9 %
47,1 %
Renata Glasc Image
< kills >
< deaths >
< assists >
< killingSprees >
< cs >
< dragons >
< inhibitors >
13 997
< physicalDamage >
9 950
< magicDamage >
4 316
< trueDamage >
2 396
18 464
< damageDealt >
12 413
27 950
< damageTaken >
22 241
12 187
< goldEarned >
10 226
< towers >
< barons >
6 712
< heal >
4 937
13 363
< xp >
10 661
< visionScore >
< wardsPlaced >
< ccTime >

Comment jouer avec Renata Glasc dans le rôle de Pyke dans LoL

The Pyke Renata Glasc synergy stats shown here demonstrate the areas of his gameplay that do better (or worse) when paired with Renata Glasc, compared to his overall stats. Significant differences are areas of focus that highlight how his gameplay changes when paired with this other champion.

Overall, Pyke sees a large worsening in his KDA (ratio of kills and assists to deaths) when paired with Renata Glasc. His KDA worsened from NaN to NaN. This fall shows that Renata Glasc helps Pyke perform not as well in ranked League matches. Yet, the small difference shows that this performance change is only marginal.

When Pyke plays on the same team as Renata Glasc, he observes a very large increase in his full damage output. This may demonstrate that Renata Glasc supports by providing protection for him to dish out more damage or that their support also helps extend the match's duration. Similarly, when Pyke is played with Renata Glasc on the same side, he usually scores many fewer killing sprees than when he plays alone. This is contrasting evidence that he is worse when playing with Renata Glasc.

Additionally, when Pyke plays with Renata Glasc on the same side, he often receives much more damage than when he fights alone. Taking more damage may indicate that Renata Glasc does a poor job of covering Pyke during teamfights.

Synergies entre Pyke et Renata Glasc

Comparaison des types de dommages

Renata Glasc
Dommage physique
Dommage physique
Dommage Pur

Les styles de jeu des champions contrastés

Renata Glasc

Est-ce que Pyke est meilleur quand il joue avec Renata Glasc ?

There is no universally accepted best ally for Pyke that will always be his best synergy. However, overall, Renata Glasc is a superb ally for Pyke. By locking into the same side as Pyke, they improves their win rate by 3.8% to 52.9%. This shows that there is a strong bond between Pyke and Renata Glasc that allows them to perform stronger together than without each other.

Renata Glasc has a greater difficulty than Pyke. That means you need to be cautious when enlisting Renata Glasc teammates to play with, as they will require a greater level of skill to be able to do well with you.

Working together, you should expect to see an overall large increase in your team’s capability to deal physical damage. Together, these two can tear through the other team with a lot of physcial damage.

In contrast, by grouping Pyke and Renata Glasc together, you will not be granting your side very much engage. We recommend you include other champs on your team that helps cover this gap in this pairing's abilities.

Regardless of the skill of your Renata Glasc teammate, you should focus on increasing your income, outlasting your enemies, and taking down objectives. If you follow these simple suggestions, you should do well anyway.

Informations supplémentaires pour Pyke Joueurs

Comment nous avons calculé notre Pyke Renata Glasc Synergy Build et Stats

Pour ce guide sur l'association de Pyke et Renata Glasc, nous avons analysé 70 matchs classés et récents de League of Legends. Nous effectuons un nettoyage avancé des données et utilisons des méthodes statistiques pour garantir que nos statistiques de synergie d'équipe sont précises et fiables. Vous pouvez être sûr que le build que nous vous recommandons pour associer Pyke et Renata Glasc provient de données réelles et n'est pas l'invention d'un joueur de LoL aléatoire, comme le proposent d'autres sites. Vous pouvez utiliser les filtres en haut de la page pour afficher les statistiques et les builds les plus pertinents de votre division.

Autres ressources utiles

De nouvelles idées pour gagner avec ce duo de champions

If you would like to truly master Pyke in order to pair well with Renata Glasc during both the laning and mid / late game phases of League, you should keep reading to gather some more tips and tricks for this champion pairing. If you use the build and tips shown above, you will increase your win rate by a lot.

The most important finished items to have in your Pyke and Renata Glasc synergy build consist of Ange gardien, Manteau de la nuit, and Opposition céleste. When Pyke bought at least these three finished items in his build, he did much better when paired up with Renata Glasc than with most other common item sets. In fact, Pyke boasted an average win rate of 52.9% when synergizing his build and playstyle to Renata Glasc with this build.

To have the highest chance of crushing your oponents, Pyke players should use the Déluge de lames, Ruée offensive, Balise zombie, Chasseur ultime, Triomphe, and Coup de grâce runes from the Domination and Précision rune sets. Out of all the rune sets players chose for this team composition, this composite of runes resulted in the highest win rate. Moreover, these runes gave a 52.9% win rate overall.

By default, tips, statistics, and builds on how to synergize Renata Glasc with Pyke are displayed for all skill levels combined. To filter the statistics and builds to a distinct division, you can use the selection menu earlier in the counter matchup guide.