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Comment créer une synergie entre Syndra et Warwick dans la même équipe ?Syndra is in the a tier of champions

Syndra with Warwick

Comment gagner avec Syndra et Warwick ? jumelés ensembleSyndra is in the a tier of champions

Comment mettre en synergie Syndra et Warwick ?

basé sur 3 499 jeux avec Syndra et Warwick
49,1 %
4,1 %

Comment nous analysons les paires de champions dans LoL

We download data from from millions of League of Legends rounds straight from Riot Games each week. Syndra has fought alongside Warwick in 3499 recent, ranked games. By gathering so much complete data directly from the hosts of LoL, we have complete confidence that we can showcase high quality, usable builds to help Syndra play with Warwick. It is somewhat uncommon for Syndra to play with Warwick on the same team. This pairing has only happened in about 4.1% of games with Syndra.

Syndra Warwick Résumé de la synergie

Unfortunately, Syndra has done a dismal job of fighting on the same side as Warwick. Usually, she wins an acceptable 49.1% of the time the champions try and synergize their gameplay. If you want to maximize your potential as Syndra when fighting on the same team as Warwick by learning how to better synergize your playstyle with him, then dig into the full build (with items, runes, summoner spells, and skills) below!

Meilleure Build pour les matchs avec Syndra vs Warwick


Premiers articles

Heure souhaitée
Anneau de DoranPotion de soin

Objets suivants

~5 Mins
Tome d'amplificationAlternateur Hextech

Objets de base de Syndra

~22 Mins
Étreinte du séraphinFlamme-ombreOnde orageuse

Articles facultatifs

Coiffe de RabadonSablier de ZhonyaMalfaisanceCompagnon de Luden

Summoner Spells

summonerflash summoner spell D
summonerteleport summoner spell F

Ordre de compétence

Première compétence pour Syndra à monter de niveauq
Deuxième capacité pour Syndra de monter de niveauw
Dernière compétence pour Syndra à maximisere


InspirationPremier coupChaussures magiquesLivraison de biscuitsSavoir cosmique
SorcellerieRuban de manaTranscendance
Attack SpeedAdaptive ForceHealth Scaling
Syndra's passive ability p
Syndra's q ability q
Syndra's w ability w
Syndra's e ability e
Syndra's ultimate ability r

Guide de la synergie entre Syndra et Warwick.

Conseils pour jouer en tant que Syndra avec Warwick

Pour maximiser les dégâts de votre ultime, utilisez-le quand il y a de nombreuses sphères sur le champ de bataille.

Après avoir touché un champion ennemi avec Force de la volonté, enchaînez avec Sphère noire. Il sera ralenti et aura du mal à l'éviter.

Obtenez le rang 5 pour un de vos sorts aussi vite que possible pour gagner de puissants effets bonus.

Conseils pour comprendre comment Warwick va jouer jouera

La distance de Contrainte infinie (R) augmente avec vos bonus en vitesse de déplacement, même ceux octroyés par les buffs de vos alliés ou par les sorts d'invocateur.

Suivez les pistes de Traque sanguinaire pour trouver les champions ennemis affaiblis.

Si vous maintenez la touche, Dents de la bête (A) suivra les ennemis qui courent, foncent dans une direction ou se téléportent.

Syndra Warwick Statistiques de synergie

Syndra Image
49,1 %
50,9 %
Warwick Image
< kills >
< deaths >
< assists >
< killingSprees >
< cs >
< dragons >
< inhibitors >
< physicalDamage >
21 298
< magicDamage >
20 713
1 875
< trueDamage >
1 861
24 081
< damageDealt >
23 465
18 090
< damageTaken >
18 305
12 358
< goldEarned >
12 371
< towers >
< barons >
1 789
< heal >
1 730
14 702
< xp >
14 748
< visionScore >
< wardsPlaced >
< ccTime >

Comment jouer avec Warwick dans le rôle de Syndra dans LoL

The Syndra Warwick synergy stats shown here demonstrate the areas of her gameplay that do better (or worse) when paired with Warwick, compared to her overall stats. Significant differences are areas of focus that highlight how her gameplay changes when paired with this other champion.

Overall, Syndra sees a large worsening in her KDA (ratio of kills and assists to deaths) when paired with Warwick. His KDA fell from NaN to NaN. This fall shows that Warwick helps Syndra perform not as well in competitive League of Legends games. Yet, the small difference demonstrates that this performance change is only marginal.

When Syndra is paired with Warwick, she sees a small increase in her complete damage output. This may indicate that Warwick supports by providing cover for her to dish out more damage or that his support also helps extend the round's duration. Similarly, when Syndra is played together with Warwick on the same team, he usually scores many fewer killing sprees than when she plays alone. This is contrasting evidence that she is worse when playing alongside Warwick.

Moreover, when Syndra plays with Warwick on the same side, she often takes a little less damage than when she fights alone. Receiving not as much damage may indicate that Warwick does a decent job of protecting Syndra in team fights.

Synergies entre Syndra et Warwick

Comparaison des types de dommages

Dommage physique
Dommage physique
Dommage Pur

Les styles de jeu des champions contrastés


Est-ce que Syndra est meilleur quand il joue avec Warwick ?

There is no one best champion pairing for Syndra that will 100% of the time be her best teammate. Yet, Warwick is a very typical companion for Syndra. By being on the same team as Syndra, he improves their win rate by 0.4% to 49.1%. This proves that there is a weak synergy between Syndra and Warwick that allows them to perform better together than alone.

Warwick has a much lower diffuclty than Syndra. That means Syndra players don't need to be careful when arranging Warwick allies to go into battle on the same side as, as they will have to have a much lower level of skill to do well with you.

Working alongside, Syndra players will likely observe an overall large increase in your team’s capability to to do a lot of AP damage. Combined, these two can blast through enemies with magic damage.

Although, by bringing Syndra and Warwick together, you will not be providing your other teammates a lot of engage potential. Plan to have other champions on your team that helps cover this disparity in this pairing's playstyle.

Regardless of the ability of your Warwick ally, you need to focus on maximizing your gold income, warding to avoid ambushes, and clearing objectives. If you heed this simple advice, you will do well anyway.

Informations supplémentaires pour Syndra Joueurs

Comment nous avons calculé notre Syndra Warwick Synergy Build et Stats

Pour ce guide sur l'association de Syndra et Warwick, nous avons analysé 3 499 matchs classés et récents de League of Legends. Nous effectuons un nettoyage avancé des données et utilisons des méthodes statistiques pour garantir que nos statistiques de synergie d'équipe sont précises et fiables. Vous pouvez être sûr que le build que nous vous recommandons pour associer Syndra et Warwick provient de données réelles et n'est pas l'invention d'un joueur de LoL aléatoire, comme le proposent d'autres sites. Vous pouvez utiliser les filtres en haut de la page pour afficher les statistiques et les builds les plus pertinents de votre division.

Autres ressources utiles

De nouvelles idées pour gagner avec ce duo de champions

If you would like to learn all of the intricacies of Syndra in order to work well with Warwick during both the lane and mid / late game phases of League of Legends games, you should keep reading to master some more tricks and insights into this champion pairing. If you listen to the build and tips shown here, you should grow your win rate significantly.

The most important finished items to focus on in your Syndra and Warwick synergy build consist of Étreinte du séraphin, Flamme-ombre, and Onde orageuse. When Syndra incorporated at least these three finished items in her build, she did a lot better as an ally of Warwick than with many other common item sets. In fact, Syndra had an average winrate of 49.1% when synergizing her build and playstyle to Warwick with these items in her kit.

To have the greatest chance of crushing your oponents, you should take the Premier coup, Chaussures magiques, Livraison de biscuits, Savoir cosmique, Ruban de mana, and Transcendance runes from the Inspiration and Sorcellerie rune sets. Out of all the rune builds players picked for this champion pairing, this set of runes resulted in the greatest win rate. Moreover, these runes gave a 49.1% win rate overall.

By default, tips, stats, and builds on how to team up Warwick with Syndra are shown for all ranked divisions combined. If you want to scope the statistics and builds to a particular player tier, you may use the selection menu located above.