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Чемпионы в League of Legends

Сборки, статистика, контрпики и гайды для League of Legends

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Самый новый чемпион: Naafiri

Мы составили наши предложения по сборке Аши, изучив 313 753 последних рейтинговых раунда Лиги с ее участием. Мы составили наши предложения по сборке Аши, изучив 313 753 последних рейтинговых раунда Лиги с ее участием.
Проанализировано игр
1 731 205
ЧемпионролитипРангПобедПопулярностьблокировокруныОсновной состав
middle role symbolassassin classЁнэ is in the b tier of champions49.2% 12.9% 11.5%
Secondary Rune
Ёнэ uses 3001 in their best buildЁнэ uses 6672 in their best buildЁнэ uses 6673 in their best buildЁнэ uses 3006 in their best build
middle role symbolmage classАзир is in the a tier of champions48.6% 2.6% 0.5%
Secondary Rune
Азир uses 6655 in their best buildАзир uses 3089 in their best buildАзир uses 4645 in their best buildАзир uses 3020 in their best build
middle role symbolassassin classАкали is in the a tier of champions49.8% 8.8% 11.8%
Secondary Rune
Акали uses 3152 in their best buildАкали uses 3089 in their best buildАкали uses 3100 in their best buildАкали uses 3020 in their best build
middle role symbolmarksman classАкшан is in the b tier of champions50.7% 4.2% 5.5%
Secondary Rune
Акшан uses 3124 in their best buildАкшан uses 3094 in their best buildАкшан uses 6672 in their best buildАкшан uses 3111 in their best build
support role symboltank classАлистар is in the s tier of champions50.8% 4.4% 1.3%
Secondary Rune
Алистар uses 6667 in their best buildАлистар uses 3157 in their best buildАлистар uses 3860 in their best buildАлистар uses 3117 in their best build
jungle role symboltank classАмуму is in the a tier of champions51.5% 6.3% 3.4%
Secondary Rune
Амуму uses 6665 in their best buildАмуму uses 3116 in their best buildАмуму uses 4637 in their best buildАмуму uses 3111 in their best build
middle role symbolmage classАнивия is in the s tier of champions50.8% 2.9% 2.6%
Secondary Rune
Анивия uses 6657 in their best buildАнивия uses 3040 in their best buildАнивия uses 3089 in their best buildАнивия uses 3020 in their best build
middle role symbolmage classАри is in the b tier of champions49.3% 8% 4.5%
Secondary Rune
Ари uses 6655 in their best buildАри uses 3089 in their best buildАри uses 4628 in their best buildАри uses 3020 in their best build
top role symbolfighter classАтрокс is in the a tier of champions50% 7.6% 12.9%
Secondary Rune
Атрокс uses 6691 in their best buildАтрокс uses 3161 in their best buildАтрокс uses 6694 in their best buildАтрокс uses 3111 in their best build
middle role symbolmage classАурелион Сол is in the a tier of champions51.9% 5.4% 5.3%
Secondary Rune
Аурелион Сол uses 6653 in their best buildАурелион Сол uses 3116 in their best buildАурелион Сол uses 4628 in their best buildАурелион Сол uses 3020 in their best build
bottom role symbolmarksman classАфелий is in the b tier of champions47.9% 4.1% 0.9%
Secondary Rune
Афелий uses 3031 in their best buildАфелий uses 6672 in their best buildАфелий uses 6676 in their best buildАфелий uses 3006 in their best build
support role symbolsupport classБард is in the s tier of champions49.6% 3.8% 0.6%
Secondary Rune
Бард uses 3190 in their best buildБард uses 3742 in their best buildБард uses 4401 in their best buildБард uses 3009 in their best build
jungle role symbolfighter classБел'Вет is in the s tier of champions50.1% 5.2% 5.9%
Secondary Rune
Бел'Вет uses 6631 in their best buildБел'Вет uses 3026 in their best buildБел'Вет uses 3071 in their best buildБел'Вет uses 3111 in their best build
support role symboltank classБлицкранк is in the s tier of champions51.2% 7.6% 27.5%
Secondary Rune
Блицкранк uses 3001 in their best buildБлицкранк uses 3109 in their best buildБлицкранк uses 3110 in their best buildБлицкранк uses 3117 in their best build
jungle role symbolfighter classБрайер is in the b tier of champions49.3% 13.9% 29.8%
Secondary Rune
Брайер uses 6631 in their best buildБрайер uses 3071 in their best buildБрайер uses 3161 in their best buildБрайер uses 3111 in their best build
support role symbolsupport classБраум is in the b tier of champions49.9% 2.5% 0.4%
Secondary Rune
Браум uses 3001 in their best buildБраум uses 3050 in their best buildБраум uses 3109 in their best buildБраум uses 3111 in their best build
support role symbolmage classБрэнд is in the b tier of champions51% 8.5% 6.9%
Secondary Rune
Брэнд uses 6653 in their best buildБрэнд uses 3089 in their best buildБрэнд uses 3853 in their best buildБрэнд uses 3020 in their best build
jungle role symbolfighter classВай is in the b tier of champions50.6% 4.8% 1.2%
Secondary Rune
Вай uses 6692 in their best buildВай uses 3026 in their best buildВай uses 6333 in their best buildВай uses 3111 in their best build
jungle role symbolfighter classВарвик is in the a tier of champions50.4% 9.3% 6.5%
Secondary Rune
Варвик uses 3124 in their best buildВарвик uses 3065 in their best buildВарвик uses 3153 in their best buildВарвик uses 3111 in their best build
bottom role symbolmarksman classВарус is in the b tier of champions49% 4.7% 0.5%
Secondary Rune
Варус uses 3124 in their best buildВарус uses 3026 in their best buildВарус uses 3036 in their best buildВарус uses 3158 in their best build
middle role symbolmage classВейгар is in the b tier of champions50.1% 8.1% 4.3%
Secondary Rune
Вейгар uses 6655 in their best buildВейгар uses 3040 in their best buildВейгар uses 3089 in their best buildВейгар uses 3020 in their best build
bottom role symbolmarksman classВейн is in the s tier of champions51.4% 13.1% 6.1%
Secondary Rune
Вейн uses 3078 in their best buildВейн uses 3091 in their best buildВейн uses 3156 in their best buildВейн uses 3006 in their best build
middle role symbolmage classВекс is in the b tier of champions50.6% 7.1% 7.8%
Secondary Rune
Векс uses 6655 in their best buildВекс uses 3089 in their best buildВекс uses 4628 in their best buildВекс uses 3020 in their best build
support role symbolmage classВел'Коз is in the a tier of champions50.4% 3.6% 0.7%
Secondary Rune
Вел'Коз uses 6655 in their best buildВел'Коз uses 3089 in their best buildВел'Коз uses 3853 in their best buildВел'Коз uses 3020 in their best build
jungle role symbolassassin classВиего is in the b tier of champions49.7% 7.2% 2.9%
Secondary Rune
Виего uses 3078 in their best buildВиего uses 6672 in their best buildВиего uses 6676 in their best buildВиего uses 3111 in their best build
middle role symbolmage classВиктор is in the s tier of champions50.7% 3.3% 1.3%
Secondary Rune
Виктор uses 6653 in their best buildВиктор uses 3089 in their best buildВиктор uses 3100 in their best buildВиктор uses 3020 in their best build
middle role symbolmage classВладимир is in the a tier of champions49.6% 4.2% 3.5%
Secondary Rune
Владимир uses 3152 in their best buildВладимир uses 3089 in their best buildВладимир uses 4629 in their best buildВладимир uses 3020 in their best build
top role symbolfighter classВолибир is in the b tier of champions49.9% 6.9% 1.7%
Secondary Rune
Волибир uses 3078 in their best buildВолибир uses 3115 in their best buildВолибир uses 3181 in their best buildВолибир uses 3111 in their best build
jungle role symbolfighter classВуконг is in the b tier of champions48.6% 2.4% 0.4%
Secondary Rune
Вуконг uses 6632 in their best buildВуконг uses 3071 in their best buildВуконг uses 3161 in their best buildВуконг uses 3111 in their best build
middle role symboltank classГалио is in the b tier of champions49.1% 2.2% 0.3%
Secondary Rune
Галио uses 6656 in their best buildГалио uses 3102 in their best buildГалио uses 8020 in their best buildГалио uses 3020 in their best build
top role symbolfighter classГангпланк is in the a tier of champions48.4% 4.9% 2.4%
Secondary Rune
Гангпланк uses 6691 in their best buildГангпланк uses 6676 in their best buildГангпланк uses 6696 in their best buildГангпланк uses 3158 in their best build
top role symbolfighter classГарен is in the s tier of champions51.8% 12.8% 7.6%
Secondary Rune
Гарен uses 6631 in their best buildГарен uses 3161 in their best buildГарен uses 3742 in their best buildГарен uses 3006 in their best build
top role symbolfighter classГвен is in the b tier of champions49% 4.4% 2.4%
Secondary Rune
Гвен uses 4633 in their best buildГвен uses 3089 in their best buildГвен uses 3115 in their best buildГвен uses 3111 in their best build
jungle role symbolfighter classГекарим is in the a tier of champions49.2% 7.1% 15.9%
Secondary Rune
Гекарим uses 6692 in their best buildГекарим uses 3074 in their best buildГекарим uses 3161 in their best buildГекарим uses 3158 in their best build
top role symbolfighter classГнар is in the a tier of champions48.3% 2.4% 0.4%
Secondary Rune
Гнар uses 3078 in their best buildГнар uses 3053 in their best buildГнар uses 3181 in their best buildГнар uses 3111 in their best build
jungle role symbolfighter classГрагас is in the b tier of champions46.5% 3.2% 0.5%
Secondary Rune
Грагас uses 4636 in their best buildГрагас uses 3100 in their best buildГрагас uses 4629 in their best buildГрагас uses 3020 in their best build
jungle role symbolmarksman classГрейвз is in the a tier of champions50.7% 7.2% 4.3%
Secondary Rune
Грейвз uses 3142 in their best buildГрейвз uses 3814 in their best buildГрейвз uses 6676 in their best buildГрейвз uses 3111 in their best build
top role symbolfighter classДариус is in the b tier of champions48.9% 8.7% 16.4%
Secondary Rune
Дариус uses 6631 in their best buildДариус uses 3053 in their best buildДариус uses 3181 in their best buildДариус uses 3111 in their best build
top role symbolfighter classДжакс is in the b tier of champions48.9% 6.5% 9.9%
Secondary Rune
Джакс uses 6632 in their best buildДжакс uses 3053 in their best buildДжакс uses 3157 in their best buildДжакс uses 3111 in their best build
jungle role symboltank classДжарван IV is in the a tier of champions51.3% 10% 20.1%
Secondary Rune
Джарван IV uses 6630 in their best buildДжарван IV uses 3053 in their best buildДжарван IV uses 3110 in their best buildДжарван IV uses 3158 in their best build
middle role symbolfighter classДжейс is in the a tier of champions49.5% 3.9% 0.7%
Secondary Rune
Джейс uses 6691 in their best buildДжейс uses 3026 in their best buildДжейс uses 3042 in their best buildДжейс uses 3158 in their best build
bottom role symbolmarksman classДжин is in the a tier of champions50.5% 15.4% 3.8%
Secondary Rune
Джин uses 3142 in their best buildДжин uses 3095 in their best buildДжин uses 6676 in their best buildДжин uses 3009 in their best build
bottom role symbolmarksman classДжинкс is in the b tier of champions47.9% 7% 0.7%
Secondary Rune
Джинкс uses 3031 in their best buildДжинкс uses 3046 in their best buildДжинкс uses 3072 in their best buildДжинкс uses 3111 in their best build
jungle role symbolfighter classДиана is in the a tier of champions50.2% 8% 2.5%
Secondary Rune
Диана uses 4633 in their best buildДиана uses 3089 in their best buildДиана uses 3157 in their best buildДиана uses 3020 in their best build
top role symbolfighter classДоктор Мундо is in the s tier of champions52% 4.6% 3.3%
Secondary Rune
Доктор Мундо uses 3084 in their best buildДоктор Мундо uses 3068 in their best buildДоктор Мундо uses 3748 in their best buildДоктор Мундо uses 3111 in their best build
bottom role symbolmarksman classДрейвен is in the a tier of champions48.5% 5.2% 11.8%
Secondary Rune
Дрейвен uses 3142 in their best buildДрейвен uses 3072 in their best buildДрейвен uses 6676 in their best buildДрейвен uses 3006 in their best build
support role symbolsupport classЖанна is in the s tier of champions50.6% 3.2% 0.5%
Secondary Rune
Жанна uses 6617 in their best buildЖанна uses 3107 in their best buildЖанна uses 3504 in their best buildЖанна uses 3158 in their best build
support role symbolmage classЗайра is in the s tier of champions52.8% 10.2% 12.2%
Secondary Rune
Зайра uses 6653 in their best buildЗайра uses 3089 in their best buildЗайра uses 3853 in their best buildЗайра uses 3020 in their best build
jungle role symboltank classЗак is in the s tier of champions51.5% 4% 1.9%
Secondary Rune
Зак uses 6667 in their best buildЗак uses 4637 in their best buildЗак uses 8020 in their best buildЗак uses 3158 in their best build
middle role symbolassassin classЗед is in the a tier of champions49.6% 10.3% 30.6%
Secondary Rune
Зед uses 6691 in their best buildЗед uses 3074 in their best buildЗед uses 6696 in their best buildЗед uses 3158 in their best build
support role symbolmage classЗерат is in the a tier of champions51.7% 10.9% 14.7%
Secondary Rune
Зерат uses 6655 in their best buildЗерат uses 3089 in their best buildЗерат uses 3157 in their best buildЗерат uses 3020 in their best build
bottom role symbolmarksman classЗери is in the b tier of champions48.3% 4.1% 1.2%
Secondary Rune
Зери uses 3031 in their best buildЗери uses 3072 in their best buildЗери uses 3085 in their best buildЗери uses 3009 in their best build
middle role symbolmage classЗиггс is in the b tier of champions48.9% 4.5% 0.9%
Secondary Rune
Зиггс uses 6655 in their best buildЗиггс uses 3040 in their best buildЗиггс uses 3089 in their best buildЗиггс uses 3020 in their best build
support role symbolsupport classЗилеан is in the a tier of champions50.2% 2.8% 0.7%
Secondary Rune
Зилеан uses 2065 in their best buildЗилеан uses 3222 in their best buildЗилеан uses 3853 in their best buildЗилеан uses 3158 in their best build
middle role symbolmage classЗои is in the b tier of champions48.1% 2.9% 1.3%
Secondary Rune
Зои uses 6655 in their best buildЗои uses 3089 in their best buildЗои uses 4628 in their best buildЗои uses 3020 in their best build
jungle role symbolsupport classИверн is in the s tier of champions51.6% 1.6% 0.7%
Secondary Rune
Иверн uses 2065 in their best buildИверн uses 3107 in their best buildИверн uses 4005 in their best buildИверн uses 3158 in their best build
top role symbolfighter classИллаой is in the s tier of champions52.5% 6.7% 23.4%
Secondary Rune
Иллаой uses 6662 in their best buildИллаой uses 3053 in their best buildИллаой uses 3181 in their best buildИллаой uses 3111 in their best build
middle role symbolfighter classИрелия is in the b tier of champions49.9% 5.8% 8%
Secondary Rune
Ирелия uses 6632 in their best buildИрелия uses 3026 in their best buildИрелия uses 3153 in their best buildИрелия uses 3111 in their best build
top role symbolfighter classЙорик is in the b tier of champions50.7% 5.8% 10.5%
Secondary Rune
Йорик uses 6691 in their best buildЙорик uses 3074 in their best buildЙорик uses 6676 in their best buildЙорик uses 3111 in their best build
top role symboltank classК'Санте is in the b tier of champions44.4% 2.8% 1.7%
Secondary Rune
К'Санте uses 6662 in their best buildК'Санте uses 3068 in their best buildК'Санте uses 8020 in their best buildК'Санте uses 3047 in their best build
jungle role symbolassassin classКа'Зикс is in the a tier of champions49.6% 6.6% 9.2%
Secondary Rune
Ка'Зикс uses 6692 in their best buildКа'Зикс uses 3026 in their best buildКа'Зикс uses 6693 in their best buildКа'Зикс uses 3158 in their best build
jungle role symbolfighter classКаин is in the s tier of champions50.6% 11.6% 22.8%
Secondary Rune
Каин uses 6691 in their best buildКаин uses 3161 in their best buildКаин uses 6694 in their best buildКаин uses 3158 in their best build
bottom role symbolmarksman classКай'Са is in the b tier of champions49.6% 19.7% 10.9%
Secondary Rune
Кай'Са uses 6675 in their best buildКай'Са uses 3046 in their best buildКай'Са uses 6676 in their best buildКай'Са uses 3020 in their best build
bottom role symbolmarksman classКалиста is in the b tier of champions47.8% 1.4% 0.2%
Secondary Rune
Калиста uses 3124 in their best buildКалиста uses 3026 in their best buildКалиста uses 3153 in their best buildКалиста uses 3006 in their best build
top role symbolfighter classКамилла is in the a tier of champions50.2% 3.5% 2.5%
Secondary Rune
Камилла uses 3078 in their best buildКамилла uses 3074 in their best buildКамилла uses 3161 in their best buildКамилла uses 3111 in their best build
support role symbolmage classКарма is in the b tier of champions48.8% 4.6% 0.7%
Secondary Rune
Карма uses 6620 in their best buildКарма uses 4005 in their best buildКарма uses 6616 in their best buildКарма uses 3020 in their best build
jungle role symbolmage classКартус is in the a tier of champions49.9% 3.5% 1.7%
Secondary Rune
Картус uses 6653 in their best buildКартус uses 3089 in their best buildКартус uses 3135 in their best buildКартус uses 3020 in their best build
middle role symbolassassin classКассадин is in the s tier of champions49.9% 2.7% 2%
Secondary Rune
Кассадин uses 4644 in their best buildКассадин uses 3040 in their best buildКассадин uses 3100 in their best buildКассадин uses 3158 in their best build
middle role symbolmage classКассиопея is in the s tier of champions51.2% 2.3% 1.8%
Secondary Rune
Кассиопея uses 6657 in their best buildКассиопея uses 3040 in their best buildКассиопея uses 3089 in their best build
middle role symbolassassin classКатарина is in the b tier of champions48.5% 5.3% 4.9%
Secondary Rune
Катарина uses 3152 in their best buildКатарина uses 3089 in their best buildКатарина uses 3100 in their best buildКатарина uses 3020 in their best build
top role symbolmarksman classКвинн is in the s tier of champions51.2% 3.6% 3%
Secondary Rune
Квинн uses 3142 in their best buildКвинн uses 3026 in their best buildКвинн uses 3087 in their best buildКвинн uses 3047 in their best build
top role symbolfighter classКейл is in the s tier of champions51.2% 4.6% 2.1%
Secondary Rune
Кейл uses 4633 in their best buildКейл uses 3089 in their best buildКейл uses 3100 in their best buildКейл uses 3009 in their best build
bottom role symbolmarksman classКейтлин is in the a tier of champions49.7% 17.9% 11.8%
Secondary Rune
Кейтлин uses 6671 in their best buildКейтлин uses 3026 in their best buildКейтлин uses 6676 in their best buildКейтлин uses 3158 in their best build
top role symbolmage classКеннен is in the b tier of champions47.2% 1.9% 0.5%
Secondary Rune
Кеннен uses 3152 in their best buildКеннен uses 3089 in their best buildКеннен uses 4645 in their best buildКеннен uses 3020 in their best build
middle role symbolassassin classКиана is in the b tier of champions47.3% 2.3% 0.4%
Secondary Rune
Киана uses 6691 in their best buildКиана uses 3026 in their best buildКиана uses 3814 in their best buildКиана uses 3158 in their best build
jungle role symbolmarksman classКиндред is in the a tier of champions48.5% 3% 4.7%
Secondary Rune
Киндред uses 3078 in their best buildКиндред uses 3091 in their best buildКиндред uses 3156 in their best buildКиндред uses 3047 in their best build
top role symbolfighter classКлед is in the s tier of champions51.4% 2.3% 1.2%
Secondary Rune
Клед uses 6692 in their best buildКлед uses 3074 in their best buildКлед uses 6676 in their best buildКлед uses 3111 in their best build
bottom role symbolmarksman classКог'Мао is in the a tier of champions50.9% 2.3% 0.6%
Secondary Rune
Ког'Мао uses 3124 in their best buildКог'Мао uses 3085 in their best buildКог'Мао uses 3091 in their best buildКог'Мао uses 3020 in their best build
middle role symbolmarksman classКорки is in the b tier of champions47.5% 1% 0.2%
Secondary Rune
Корки uses 3078 in their best buildКорки uses 3026 in their best buildКорки uses 3074 in their best buildКорки uses 3006 in their best build
jungle role symbolfighter classКсин Жао is in the b tier of champions50.1% 3.2% 0.4%
Secondary Rune
Ксин Жао uses 6692 in their best buildКсин Жао uses 3026 in their best buildКсин Жао uses 6333 in their best buildКсин Жао uses 3111 in their best build
middle role symbolassassin classЛе Блан is in the a tier of champions47.6% 4% 5.5%
Secondary Rune
Ле Блан uses 6655 in their best buildЛе Блан uses 3089 in their best buildЛе Блан uses 3157 in their best buildЛе Блан uses 3158 in their best build
support role symboltank classЛеона is in the a tier of champions51.1% 6.3% 4.6%
Secondary Rune
Леона uses 3001 in their best buildЛеона uses 3050 in their best buildЛеона uses 3109 in their best buildЛеона uses 3111 in their best build
jungle role symbolfighter classЛи Син is in the b tier of champions46.3% 5.5% 1.4%
Secondary Rune
Ли Син uses 6692 in their best buildЛи Син uses 3026 in their best buildЛи Син uses 3074 in their best buildЛи Син uses 3111 in their best build
jungle role symbolfighter classЛиллия is in the s tier of champions52.9% 7.9% 5.6%
Secondary Rune
Лиллия uses 6657 in their best buildЛиллия uses 3089 in their best buildЛиллия uses 4637 in their best buildЛиллия uses 3158 in their best build
middle role symbolmage classЛиссандра is in the b tier of champions49.6% 3% 1.3%
Secondary Rune
Лиссандра uses 6653 in their best buildЛиссандра uses 3089 in their best buildЛиссандра uses 3157 in their best buildЛиссандра uses 3020 in their best build
support role symbolsupport classЛулу is in the b tier of champions48.1% 4.2% 2%
Secondary Rune
Лулу uses 2065 in their best buildЛулу uses 3504 in their best buildЛулу uses 6616 in their best buildЛулу uses 3117 in their best build
support role symbolmage classЛюкс is in the a tier of champions50.4% 22.4% 18.7%
Secondary Rune
Люкс uses 6655 in their best buildЛюкс uses 3100 in their best buildЛюкс uses 3853 in their best buildЛюкс uses 3020 in their best build
bottom role symbolmarksman classЛюциан is in the a tier of champions48.6% 6.7% 0.8%
Secondary Rune
Люциан uses 6675 in their best buildЛюциан uses 3026 in their best buildЛюциан uses 6676 in their best buildЛюциан uses 3158 in their best build
middle role symbolmage classМальзахар is in the a tier of champions51% 7.4% 11.3%
Secondary Rune
Мальзахар uses 6653 in their best buildМальзахар uses 3040 in their best buildМальзахар uses 3089 in their best buildМальзахар uses 3020 in their best build
top role symboltank classМальфит is in the s tier of champions51% 9% 13.3%
Secondary Rune
Мальфит uses 6662 in their best buildМальфит uses 3068 in their best buildМальфит uses 3121 in their best buildМальфит uses 3047 in their best build
support role symboltank classМаокай is in the a tier of champions51.6% 4.6% 0.7%
Secondary Rune
Маокай uses 3001 in their best buildМаокай uses 3742 in their best buildМаокай uses 4637 in their best buildМаокай uses 3009 in their best build
jungle role symbolassassin classМастер Йи is in the a tier of champions49.5% 7.7% 19.3%
Secondary Rune
Мастер Йи uses 3124 in their best buildМастер Йи uses 3053 in their best buildМастер Йи uses 3091 in their best buildМастер Йи uses 3006 in their best build
support role symbolsupport classМилио is in the b tier of champions48.6% 2.7% 1.4%
Secondary Rune
Милио uses 2065 in their best buildМилио uses 3504 in their best buildМилио uses 6616 in their best buildМилио uses 3158 in their best build
bottom role symbolmarksman classМисс Фортуна is in the b tier of champions51.2% 17.8% 7.2%
Secondary Rune
Мисс Фортуна uses 6691 in their best buildМисс Фортуна uses 3508 in their best buildМисс Фортуна uses 6676 in their best buildМисс Фортуна uses 3009 in their best build
support role symbolmage classМоргана is in the b tier of champions49.6% 8.8% 22.1%
Secondary Rune
Моргана uses 6653 in their best buildМоргана uses 3089 in their best buildМоргана uses 3157 in their best buildМоргана uses 3020 in their best build
top role symbolfighter classМордекайзер is in the a tier of champions50.6% 8.3% 12.5%
Secondary Rune
Мордекайзер uses 6665 in their best buildМордекайзер uses 3165 in their best buildМордекайзер uses 4637 in their best buildМордекайзер uses 3111 in their best build
middle role symbolassassin classНаафири is in the a tier of champions50.9% 6.1% 21.7%
Secondary Rune
Наафири uses 6692 in their best buildНаафири uses 3026 in their best buildНаафири uses 3074 in their best buildНаафири uses 3158 in their best build
support role symbolsupport classНами is in the a tier of champions50.2% 5.5% 0.3%
Secondary Rune
Нами uses 2065 in their best buildНами uses 3504 in their best buildНами uses 4005 in their best buildНами uses 3117 in their best build
top role symbolfighter classНасус is in the a tier of champions50.9% 7.4% 6%
Secondary Rune
Насус uses 6632 in their best buildНасус uses 3110 in their best buildНасус uses 6694 in their best buildНасус uses 3158 in their best build
support role symboltank classНаутилус is in the a tier of champions49.5% 9.6% 12.2%
Secondary Rune
Наутилус uses 3190 in their best buildНаутилус uses 3109 in their best buildНаутилус uses 4401 in their best buildНаутилус uses 3111 in their best build
jungle role symbolassassin classНидали is in the b tier of champions45.7% 2.2% 0.4%
Secondary Rune
Нидали uses 4636 in their best buildНидали uses 3089 in their best buildНидали uses 3100 in their best buildНидали uses 3020 in their best build
support role symbolmage classНико is in the b tier of champions49.7% 5.7% 4.6%
Secondary Rune
Нико uses 3152 in their best buildНико uses 3853 in their best buildНико uses 4628 in their best buildНико uses 3158 in their best build
bottom role symbolfighter classНила is in the s tier of champions52.1% 4% 5.6%
Secondary Rune
Нила uses 6675 in their best buildНила uses 3046 in their best buildНила uses 6676 in their best buildНила uses 3006 in their best build
jungle role symbolassassin classНоктюрн is in the s tier of champions52.6% 10.4% 12.7%
Secondary Rune
Ноктюрн uses 6631 in their best buildНоктюрн uses 3026 in their best buildНоктюрн uses 3153 in their best buildНоктюрн uses 3111 in their best build
jungle role symboltank classНуну и Виллумп is in the b tier of champions48.4% 4.1% 1%
Secondary Rune
Нуну и Виллумп uses 6667 in their best buildНуну и Виллумп uses 3075 in their best buildНуну и Виллумп uses 4637 in their best buildНуну и Виллумп uses 3047 in their best build
top role symbolfighter classОлаф is in the a tier of champions50% 2.7% 2.1%
Secondary Rune
Олаф uses 3078 in their best buildОлаф uses 3074 in their best buildОлаф uses 3181 in their best buildОлаф uses 3111 in their best build
middle role symbolmage classОрианна is in the s tier of champions50.2% 4.2% 0.5%
Secondary Rune
Орианна uses 6653 in their best buildОрианна uses 3089 in their best buildОрианна uses 4645 in their best buildОрианна uses 3020 in their best build
top role symboltank classОрн is in the s tier of champions50.5% 3.4% 0.7%
Secondary Rune
Орн uses 7026 in their best buildОрн uses 3068 in their best buildОрн uses 3083 in their best buildОрн uses 3111 in their best build
support role symbolsupport classПайк is in the a tier of champions49.6% 7.3% 14.4%
Secondary Rune
Пайк uses 3142 in their best buildПайк uses 3179 in their best buildПайк uses 6696 in their best buildПайк uses 3158 in their best build
top role symbolfighter classПантеон is in the a tier of champions49.7% 10.6% 6.8%
Secondary Rune
Пантеон uses 6692 in their best buildПантеон uses 3161 in their best buildПантеон uses 6333 in their best buildПантеон uses 3111 in their best build
jungle role symboltank classПоппи is in the b tier of champions49.1% 4.4% 2.1%
Secondary Rune
Поппи uses 6632 in their best buildПоппи uses 3053 in their best buildПоппи uses 3742 in their best buildПоппи uses 3047 in their best build
middle role symbolmage classРайз is in the a tier of champions49.8% 2% 0.2%
Secondary Rune
Райз uses 6656 in their best buildРайз uses 3040 in their best buildРайз uses 3110 in their best buildРайз uses 3020 in their best build
top role symbolfighter classРамбл is in the a tier of champions48.7% 2.4% 0.5%
Secondary Rune
Рамбл uses 3152 in their best buildРамбл uses 3135 in their best buildРамбл uses 4637 in their best buildРамбл uses 3020 in their best build
jungle role symboltank classРаммус is in the a tier of champions51.8% 4% 10.3%
Secondary Rune
Раммус uses 6665 in their best buildРаммус uses 3068 in their best buildРаммус uses 3742 in their best buildРаммус uses 3047 in their best build
jungle role symbolfighter classРек'Сай is in the a tier of champions50.5% 2.6% 4.4%
Secondary Rune
Рек'Сай uses 6631 in their best buildРек'Сай uses 3053 in their best buildРек'Сай uses 3814 in their best buildРек'Сай uses 3111 in their best build
support role symboltank classРелл is in the b tier of champions50.1% 3.2% 3%
Secondary Rune
Релл uses 3190 in their best buildРелл uses 3050 in their best buildРелл uses 3109 in their best buildРелл uses 3111 in their best build
support role symbolsupport classРената Гласк is in the a tier of champions50.6% 2% 0.4%
Secondary Rune
Рената Гласк uses 2065 in their best buildРената Гласк uses 3107 in their best buildРената Гласк uses 3504 in their best buildРената Гласк uses 3158 in their best build
jungle role symbolassassin classРенгар is in the a tier of champions47% 3.7% 3.4%
Secondary Rune
Ренгар uses 6691 in their best buildРенгар uses 3074 in their best buildРенгар uses 6696 in their best buildРенгар uses 3158 in their best build
top role symbolfighter classРенектон is in the b tier of champions49.4% 7.9% 5.6%
Secondary Rune
Ренектон uses 6631 in their best buildРенектон uses 3053 in their best buildРенектон uses 3161 in their best buildРенектон uses 3111 in their best build
top role symbolfighter classРивен is in the s tier of champions49.2% 4.6% 1%
Secondary Rune
Ривен uses 6691 in their best buildРивен uses 3071 in their best buildРивен uses 6333 in their best buildРивен uses 3158 in their best build
support role symbolsupport classРэйкан is in the a tier of champions50.5% 5.2% 1.4%
Secondary Rune
Рэйкан uses 2065 in their best buildРэйкан uses 3860 in their best buildРэйкан uses 4643 in their best buildРэйкан uses 3158 in their best build
middle role symbolmage classСайлас is in the b tier of champions49.6% 8.1% 5.9%
Secondary Rune
Сайлас uses 6655 in their best buildСайлас uses 3089 in their best buildСайлас uses 4645 in their best buildСайлас uses 3020 in their best build
bottom role symbolmarksman classСамира is in the b tier of champions49.3% 8.1% 17.2%
Secondary Rune
Самира uses 3031 in their best buildСамира uses 3026 in their best buildСамира uses 3033 in their best buildСамира uses 3111 in their best build
support role symbolmage classСвейн is in the b tier of champions50.5% 9.2% 6.2%
Secondary Rune
Свейн uses 6653 in their best buildСвейн uses 3089 in their best buildСвейн uses 3853 in their best buildСвейн uses 3020 in their best build
jungle role symboltank classСеджуани is in the b tier of champions47.8% 2.4% 0.3%
Secondary Rune
Седжуани uses 3084 in their best buildСеджуани uses 3068 in their best buildСеджуани uses 8020 in their best buildСеджуани uses 3111 in their best build
support role symbolmarksman classСенна is in the s tier of champions50.7% 12.3% 5%
Secondary Rune
Сенна uses 6692 in their best buildСенна uses 3179 in their best buildСенна uses 6696 in their best buildСенна uses 3009 in their best build
support role symbolmage classСерафина is in the b tier of champions49% 7.2% 2%
Secondary Rune
Серафина uses 6620 in their best buildСерафина uses 3116 in their best buildСерафина uses 3504 in their best buildСерафина uses 3158 in their best build
top role symbolfighter classСетт is in the b tier of champions50.8% 7.5% 2.9%
Secondary Rune
Сетт uses 6630 in their best buildСетт uses 3181 in their best buildСетт uses 3748 in their best buildСетт uses 3111 in their best build
bottom role symbolmarksman classСивир is in the a tier of champions50.5% 6.3% 1.3%
Secondary Rune
Сивир uses 6675 in their best buildСивир uses 3087 in their best buildСивир uses 3508 in their best buildСивир uses 3006 in their best build
top role symboltank classСинджед is in the s tier of champions52% 3% 0.7%
Secondary Rune
Синджед uses 6657 in their best buildСинджед uses 3089 in their best buildСинджед uses 3116 in their best buildСинджед uses 3009 in their best build
middle role symbolmage classСиндра is in the s tier of champions50.5% 4.4% 1.9%
Secondary Rune
Синдра uses 6655 in their best buildСиндра uses 3040 in their best buildСиндра uses 3089 in their best buildСиндра uses 3020 in their best build
top role symboltank classСион is in the a tier of champions50.4% 8% 4.2%
Secondary Rune
Сион uses 6662 in their best buildСион uses 3068 in their best buildСион uses 3748 in their best buildСион uses 3009 in their best build
jungle role symbolfighter classСкарнер is in the s tier of champions51.4% 1.1% 0.1%
Secondary Rune
Скарнер uses 6662 in their best buildСкарнер uses 3068 in their best buildСкарнер uses 3742 in their best buildСкарнер uses 3158 in their best build
support role symbolsupport classСона is in the s tier of champions51.1% 4.8% 0.3%
Secondary Rune
Сона uses 6617 in their best buildСона uses 3040 in their best buildСона uses 6616 in their best buildСона uses 3158 in their best build
support role symbolsupport classСорака is in the s tier of champions51.4% 7.8% 3.5%
Secondary Rune
Сорака uses 6617 in their best buildСорака uses 3504 in their best buildСорака uses 6616 in their best buildСорака uses 3158 in their best build
top role symbolsupport classТаам Кенч is in the a tier of champions49.3% 2.8% 0.7%
Secondary Rune
Таам Кенч uses 3084 in their best buildТаам Кенч uses 3068 in their best buildТаам Кенч uses 4637 in their best buildТаам Кенч uses 3111 in their best build
middle role symbolmage classТалия is in the a tier of champions50.1% 3.7% 0.5%
Secondary Rune
Талия uses 6655 in their best buildТалия uses 3040 in their best buildТалия uses 3089 in their best buildТалия uses 3158 in their best build
middle role symbolassassin classТалон is in the a tier of champions50.1% 3.8% 1.1%
Secondary Rune
Талон uses 6691 in their best buildТалон uses 6676 in their best buildТалон uses 6696 in their best buildТалон uses 3158 in their best build
support role symbolsupport classТарик is in the s tier of champions46.5% 2.9% 0.7%
Secondary Rune
Тарик uses 3190 in their best buildТарик uses 3109 in their best buildТарик uses 3121 in their best buildТарик uses 3047 in their best build