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Comment créer une synergie entre Elise et Thresh dans la même équipe ?Elise is in the a tier of champions

Elise with Thresh

Comment gagner avec Elise et Thresh ? jumelés ensembleElise is in the a tier of champions

Comment mettre en synergie Elise et Thresh ?

basé sur 1 146 jeux avec Elise et Thresh
49,6 %
4,2 %

Comment nous analysons les paires de champions dans LoL

At MOBA Champion, we pull data from from millions of League of Legends rounds straight from Riot Games each and every week. Elise has gone into battle with Thresh in 1146 recently played, ranked matches. By accumulating so much complete data directly from the developers of League, we are sure that we can present to you robust, insightful builds to help Elise synergize with Thresh. It is somewhat uncommon for Elise to play with Thresh on the same team. This has only occurred in approximately 4.2% of matches with Elise.

Elise Thresh Résumé de la synergie

Elise has done a ok job of playing alongside Thresh. Normally, she wins an acceptable 49.6% of rounds the champions fight alongside one another. If you want to maximize your potential as Elise when playing alongside Thresh by learning how to better synergize your gameplay with him, then review the full build (with items, runes, summoner spells, and skills) below!

Meilleure Build pour les matchs avec Elise vs Thresh


Premiers articles

Heure souhaitée
Bébé ChardentPotion de soin

Objets suivants

~5 Mins
Tome d'amplificationChaussures de sorcier

Objets de base de Elise

~22 Mins
Coiffe de RabadonFlamme-ombreOnde orageuse

Articles facultatifs

Sablier de ZhonyaFléau de licheCeinture-roquette Hextech

Summoner Spells

summonerflash summoner spell D
summonersmite summoner spell F

Ordre de compétence

Première compétence pour Elise à monter de niveauq
Deuxième capacité pour Elise de monter de niveauw
Dernière compétence pour Elise à maximisere


DominationÉlectrocutionCoup basArracheur d'œilChasseur acharné
SorcellerieManteau nuageuxMarche sur l'eau
Attack SpeedAdaptive ForceHealth Scaling
Elise's passive ability p
Elise's q ability q
Elise's w ability w
Elise's e ability e
Elise's ultimate ability r

Guide de la synergie entre Elise et Thresh.

Conseils pour jouer en tant que Elise avec Thresh

La forme arachnéenne est efficace pour achever les ennemis affaiblis ; en forme humaine, Neurotoxine inflige plus de dégâts aux ennemis à qui il reste beaucoup de PV.

La forme arachnéenne et ses compétences ne coûtent pas de mana ; servez-vous-en si vous voulez conserver votre mana.

En forme arachnéenne, les araignées attaquent la cible de la Morsure venimeuse d'Elise.

Conseils pour comprendre comment Thresh va jouer jouera

La communication est essentielle quand vous utilisez la lanterne de Thresh. Informez vos alliés de votre manière de l'utiliser.

Les compétences Peine capitale et Fauchage peuvent être combinées pour effectuer de puissantes actions.

Thresh peut aussi collecter les âmes des unités qu'il n'a pas tuées. Positionnez-vous de façon à être près des morts pour maximiser votre collecte.

Elise Thresh Statistiques de synergie

Elise Image
49,6 %
50,4 %
Thresh Image
< kills >
< deaths >
< assists >
< killingSprees >
< cs >
< dragons >
< inhibitors >
1 294
< physicalDamage >
1 283
16 079
< magicDamage >
16 280
1 354
< trueDamage >
1 384
18 727
< damageDealt >
18 948
28 429
< damageTaken >
29 391
11 367
< goldEarned >
11 468
< towers >
< barons >
13 360
< heal >
13 105
12 668
< xp >
12 872
< visionScore >
< wardsPlaced >
< ccTime >

Comment jouer avec Thresh dans le rôle de Elise dans LoL

The Elise Thresh synergy stats shown here demonstrate the areas of her gameplay that do better (or worse) when paired with Thresh, compared to her overall stats. Significant differences are areas of focus that highlight how her gameplay changes when paired with this other champion.

Overall, Elise sees a very large drop in her KDA (ratio of kills and assists to deaths) when paired with Thresh. His KDA worsened from NaN to NaN. This negative change shows that Thresh helps Elise perform not as well in ranked League of Legends games. Yet, the small difference indicates that this performance change is only marginal.

When Elise is paired with Thresh, she sees a barely noticable drop in her full damage dealt. This difference could indicate that Thresh doesn't help protection for her to dish out more damage or that his presence on the team also helps increase the game's duration. Similarly, when Elise is played alongside Thresh on the same team, he usually scores many fewer killing sprees than when she plays alone. This is contrasting evidence that she is worse when playing with Thresh.

Moreover, when Elise plays with Thresh on the same team, she often receives a little less damage than when she plays alone. Receiving not as much damage may indicate that Thresh does a decent job of covering Elise in team fights.

Synergies entre Elise et Thresh

Comparaison des types de dommages

Dommage physique
Dommage physique
Dommage Pur

Les styles de jeu des champions contrastés


Est-ce que Elise est meilleur quand il joue avec Thresh ?

There is no perfect champion pairing for Elise that will no matter what be her top synergy. Yet, overall, Thresh is a good teammate for Elise. By playing on the same side as Elise, he improves their win rate by 1.5% to 49.6%. This shows that there is a somewhat important synergy between Elise and Thresh that allows them to perform stronger together than alone.

Thresh has a lower difficulty than Elise. That means Elise players don't need to be cautious when lining up Thresh allies to go into battle on the same side as, as they will require a lower level of skill to be able to work well with you.

Working alongside, you will likely see an overall large increase in your team’s capability to deal magical damage. When paired, these champs are able to dish out a surprising amount of magic type damage.

Conversely, by pairing Elise and Thresh together, you may not be giving your other teammates very much attack damage. We recommend you pick other champions on your team that fills this relative disparity in this pairing's abilities.

Regardless of the ability of your Thresh teammate, you need to focus on maximizing your income, staying alive by avoiding foolish fights, and clearing objectives. If you follow these simple suggestions, you should do well, regardless.

Informations supplémentaires pour Elise Joueurs

Comment nous avons calculé notre Elise Thresh Synergy Build et Stats

Pour ce guide sur l'association de Elise et Thresh, nous avons analysé 1 146 matchs classés et récents de League of Legends. Nous effectuons un nettoyage avancé des données et utilisons des méthodes statistiques pour garantir que nos statistiques de synergie d'équipe sont précises et fiables. Vous pouvez être sûr que le build que nous vous recommandons pour associer Elise et Thresh provient de données réelles et n'est pas l'invention d'un joueur de LoL aléatoire, comme le proposent d'autres sites. Vous pouvez utiliser les filtres en haut de la page pour afficher les statistiques et les builds les plus pertinents de votre division.

Autres ressources utiles

De nouvelles idées pour gagner avec ce duo de champions

To learn all of the intricacies of Elise to work well with Thresh during both the laning and mid / late game phases of League of Legends matches, you should continue reading to gather additional tricks and insights into this champion pairing. If you listen to the build and suggestions presented above, you should increase your win rate significantly.

The ideal items to focus on in your Elise and Thresh synergy build consist of Coiffe de Rabadon, Flamme-ombre, and Onde orageuse. When Elise used at least these three great items in her build, she performed significantly better as an ally of Thresh than with many other typical item sets. In fact, Elise boasted an average win rate of 49.6% when playing alongside Thresh with these items in her kit.

To have the greatest likelihood of crushing your oponents, you should equip the Électrocution, Coup bas, Arracheur d'œil, Chasseur acharné, Manteau nuageux, and Marche sur l'eau runes from the Domination and Sorcellerie rune sets. Out of all the runes we have analyed for this champion pairing, this combo of runes yielded the greatest win rate. Moreover, these runes averaged a 49.6% win rate overall.

If you need to see Elise with Thresh cooperations tips and builds for a a distinct skill level, please choose one from the selection menu above. If viewing for the first time, the statistics and build suggestions shown are calculated using all rounds run with both champs.