Background Image
League of Legends Champion AmumuAmumu is in the b tier of champions


Amumu is a tankRoletank
Power SpikeMid-Game
Cursed Touch abilityp
Bandage Toss abilityq
Despair abilityw
Tantrum abilitye
Curse of the Sad Mummy abilityr

Amumu Counters

based on 78,897 matches
Win Rate
49 %
Pick Rate
4.8 %
Ban Rate
1.7 %

How We Analyze Our Counter Amumu Data

We analyze millions of League of Legends games each week, pulled directly from Riot Games, to determine the best and worst Amumu counters. At this moment, our detailed counter Amumu data is based on 78,897 recent games and will show you which champions have the highest and lowest win rates against him.

Amumu Counters Summary

In the selected jungle position, Amumu is best against Nidalee and Sejuani, with win rates of 54.3% and 53.7%, respectively. Amumu a top tier counter pick to both of these champions. Yet, he is weakest in counter jungle matchups when fighting Lillia and Brand. Be careful about brining Amumu into either of these two champs.

Amumu Matchups in Lane

Additional Info for Amumu Players

Amumu Counters Summary (Continued)

The top champs out of lane to counter Amumu include Kalista, Zeri, and Xayah. These picks are all great at countering Amumu with win rates over 57%. Even if these Amumu counter picks are not chosen opposite your position, it's not smart to play him into one of these matchups. They will most often beat Amumu.

Conversely, if the opposite team brings either Swain or Mordekaiser, Amumu mains should seriously consider choosing him, as he easily destroys these champs with win rates over 55% against both ofthem.

How to Counter Amumu

Exploit Amumu's initial weakness: Amumu's early game is quite weak and non-existent. Take advantage of this by focusing on power farming to gain as much gold and experience as possible.

Conserve your mana: Remember that Amumu tends to run out of mana quickly when clearing the jungle. Avoid using abilities too frequently and toggle wisely to prevent draining your mana too soon.

Utilize Amumu's power spikes: Amumu's significant power spikes occur when he unlocks his Ultimate R and when he completes his first item. Aim to hit these milestones early and maintain a balance between farming and ganking to avoid delays.

Adapt to his versatile builds: Amumu can either build as a tank or AP depending on his team's needs. Be ready to adjust your strategies and champions accordingly to counter his versatility.

Take advantage of team fight scenarios: Amumu is heavily prone to disengagement, poke, and CC in team fights. Flanking him can catch him off guard and out of position, giving your team an upper hand.

Pay attention to his Ultimate R cooldown: Amumu's Ultimate R is crucial for his team fights. Therefore, if it's on cooldown, it's an excellent time to engage him and his team since his CC ability would be significantly reduced.

Be cautious in the late game: Although Amumu's late game is not as strong as his mid-game, he can still be a menace if he's been able to build as a tank or acquire numerous items. Avoid fighting unless it's up in the late game, as he can CC his whole team with his Ultimate R.

How to Use this Countering Amumu Guide

To see the details and best Amumu counter builds for a specific matchup, you can click the related row in one of the tables above. If you want specific Ashe counters not highlighted above, you may use the filters below to find details on your specific Amumu matchup.

To limit the Amumu counters to a particular ranked tier only, pick the desired tier from the dropdown menu above. The recommended champion counters will be revised. If you would like great champion pairings for your own allies to advance your win percentage, take a look at our Amumu synergies.

We comb through millions of League of Legends matches pulled directly from Riot Games servers each week to give you an advantage. We analyze the data using advanced algorithms to bring you the most accurate Amumu counters online. Having evaluated so many matches gives us lots of faith in our conclusions.

All Amumu Matchups

The Amumu counter matchups shown below include data from Silver+ tiers and champions in all positions. Click an individual Amumu matchup to see a detailed build, stats, and advice to win your next fight. You will also have the opportunity to further refine your tier selection.

Amumu vs Lulu
Lulu677 Games
In Game
56.6 %
Amumu vs Zeri
Zeri473 Games
In Game
56 %
Amumu vs Yuumi
Yuumi959 Games
In Game
55.6 %
Amumu vs Vex
Vex931 Games
In Game
54.8 %
Amumu vs Kalista
Kalista425 Games
In Game
54.8 %
Amumu vs Sejuani
Sejuani538 Games
In Game
53.5 %
Amumu vs Zoe
Zoe600 Games
In Game
53.3 %
Amumu vs Nidalee
Nidalee320 Games
In Game
53.1 %
Amumu vs Gnar
Gnar457 Games
In Game
53 %
Amumu vs LeBlanc
LeBlanc747 Games
In Game
52.9 %
Amumu vs Yone
Yone2,797 Games
In Game
52.6 %
Amumu vs Xayah
Xayah706 Games
In Game
52.5 %
Amumu vs Evelynn
Evelynn1,237 Games
In Game
52.4 %
Amumu vs Karthus
Karthus611 Games
In Game
52.4 %
Amumu vs Rumble
Rumble813 Games
In Game
52.4 %
Amumu vs K'Sante
K'Sante673 Games
In Game
52.3 %
Amumu vs Kindred
Kindred876 Games
In Game
52.3 %
Amumu vs Thresh
Thresh1,873 Games
In Game
52.2 %
Amumu vs Kai'Sa
Kai'Sa1,976 Games
In Game
52.1 %
Amumu vs Jarvan IV
Jarvan IV743 Games
In Game
52 %
Amumu vs Fiddlesticks
Fiddlesticks855 Games
In Game
52 %
Amumu vs Quinn
Quinn590 Games
In Game
51.9 %
Amumu vs Samira
Samira2,147 Games
In Game
51.9 %
Amumu vs Ryze
Ryze444 Games
In Game
51.8 %
Amumu vs Nautilus
Nautilus2,006 Games
In Game
51.8 %
Amumu vs Riven
Riven1,495 Games
In Game
51.6 %
Amumu vs Jayce
Jayce608 Games
In Game
51.6 %
Amumu vs Diana
Diana2,052 Games
In Game
51.6 %
Amumu vs Ezreal
Ezreal2,872 Games
In Game
51.6 %
Amumu vs Viego
Viego1,938 Games
In Game
51.4 %
Amumu vs Tristana
Tristana1,472 Games
In Game
51.2 %
Amumu vs Yorick
Yorick1,081 Games
In Game
51.2 %
Amumu vs Annie
Annie793 Games
In Game
51.1 %
Amumu vs Lee Sin
Lee Sin1,266 Games
In Game
51.1 %
Amumu vs Katarina
Katarina1,658 Games
In Game
51 %
Amumu vs Warwick
Warwick2,010 Games
In Game
51 %
Amumu vs Talon
Talon965 Games
In Game
51 %
Amumu vs Pantheon
Pantheon2,092 Games
In Game
50.9 %
Amumu vs Alistar
Alistar833 Games
In Game
50.8 %
Amumu vs Hwei
Hwei2,203 Games
In Game
50.8 %
Amumu vs Ashe
Ashe3,131 Games
In Game
50.7 %
Amumu vs Caitlyn
Caitlyn4,803 Games
In Game
50.7 %
Amumu vs Malphite
Malphite1,997 Games
In Game
50.6 %
Amumu vs Elise
Elise340 Games
In Game
50.6 %
Amumu vs Skarner
Skarner156 Games
In Game
50.6 %
Amumu vs Kha'Zix
Kha'Zix1,163 Games
In Game
50.6 %
Amumu vs Taliyah
Taliyah508 Games
In Game
50.6 %
Amumu vs Shen
Shen863 Games
In Game
50.5 %
Amumu vs Volibear
Volibear1,041 Games
In Game
50.5 %
Amumu vs Rell
Rell572 Games
In Game
50.5 %
Amumu vs Pyke
Pyke1,585 Games
In Game
50.4 %
Amumu vs Nunu & Willump
Nunu & Willump1,130 Games
In Game
50.4 %
Amumu vs Soraka
Soraka1,057 Games
In Game
50.4 %
Amumu vs Qiyana
Qiyana556 Games
In Game
50.4 %
Amumu vs Kennen
Kennen486 Games
In Game
50.4 %
Amumu vs Zed
Zed1,699 Games
In Game
50.3 %
Amumu vs Twisted Fate
Twisted Fate1,852 Games
In Game
50.3 %
Amumu vs Naafiri
Naafiri598 Games
In Game
50.2 %
Amumu vs Yasuo
Yasuo3,263 Games
In Game
50.2 %
Amumu vs Master Yi
Master Yi2,337 Games
In Game
50.1 %
Amumu vs Orianna
Orianna613 Games
In Game
50.1 %
Amumu vs Ziggs
Ziggs714 Games
In Game
50 %
Amumu vs Varus
Varus1,721 Games
In Game
50 %
Amumu vs Karma
Karma1,270 Games
In Game
50 %
Amumu vs Lucian
Lucian2,868 Games
In Game
49.9 %
Amumu vs Ahri
Ahri1,378 Games
In Game
49.9 %
Amumu vs Renekton
Renekton759 Games
In Game
49.7 %
Amumu vs Nasus
Nasus1,429 Games
In Game
49.7 %
Amumu vs Nilah
Nilah732 Games
In Game
49.6 %
Amumu vs Udyr
Udyr1,477 Games
In Game
49.6 %
Amumu vs Heimerdinger
Heimerdinger614 Games
In Game
49.5 %
Amumu vs Twitch
Twitch1,778 Games
In Game
49.5 %
Amumu vs Neeko
Neeko1,336 Games
In Game
49.4 %
Amumu vs Briar
Briar2,152 Games
In Game
49.4 %
Amumu vs Nami
Nami1,353 Games
In Game
49.4 %
Amumu vs Rakan
Rakan1,322 Games
In Game
49.3 %
Amumu vs Gragas
Gragas841 Games
In Game
49.3 %
Amumu vs Vladimir
Vladimir1,368 Games
In Game
49.3 %
Amumu vs Dr. Mundo
Dr. Mundo978 Games
In Game
49.2 %
Amumu vs Xin Zhao
Xin Zhao1,549 Games
In Game
49.2 %
Amumu vs Irelia
Irelia1,239 Games
In Game
49.1 %
Amumu vs Seraphine
Seraphine2,039 Games
In Game
49.1 %
Amumu vs Senna
Senna3,527 Games
In Game
49.1 %
Amumu vs Veigar
Veigar1,668 Games
In Game
49 %
Amumu vs Kayle
Kayle1,391 Games
In Game
49 %
Amumu vs Gwen
Gwen1,027 Games
In Game
48.9 %
Amumu vs Azir
Azir786 Games
In Game
48.9 %
Amumu vs Vayne
Vayne2,763 Games
In Game
48.9 %
Amumu vs Rammus
Rammus888 Games
In Game
48.9 %
Amumu vs Renata Glasc
Renata Glasc395 Games
In Game
48.9 %
Amumu vs Rek'Sai
Rek'Sai203 Games
In Game
48.8 %
Amumu vs Draven
Draven1,531 Games
In Game
48.8 %
Amumu vs Akali
Akali2,738 Games
In Game
48.8 %
Amumu vs Blitzcrank
Blitzcrank1,799 Games
In Game
48.7 %
Amumu vs Sivir
Sivir690 Games
In Game
48.7 %
Amumu vs Kayn
Kayn2,226 Games
In Game
48.7 %
Amumu vs Ivern
Ivern497 Games
In Game
48.7 %
Amumu vs Corki
Corki511 Games
In Game
48.5 %
Amumu vs Jax
Jax3,313 Games
In Game
48.4 %
Amumu vs Shaco
Shaco1,739 Games
In Game
48.4 %
Amumu vs Garen
Garen1,706 Games
In Game
48.4 %
Amumu vs Shyvana
Shyvana702 Games
In Game
48.4 %
Amumu vs Fiora
Fiora1,101 Games
In Game
48.4 %
Amumu vs Darius
Darius1,674 Games
In Game
48.4 %
Amumu vs Lux
Lux4,651 Games
In Game
48.3 %
Amumu vs Galio
Galio1,302 Games
In Game
48.3 %
Amumu vs Sion
Sion1,378 Games
In Game
48.3 %
Amumu vs Viktor
Viktor714 Games
In Game
48.3 %
Amumu vs Akshan
Akshan840 Games
In Game
48.2 %
Amumu vs Urgot
Urgot898 Games
In Game
48.2 %
Amumu vs Tahm Kench
Tahm Kench1,133 Games
In Game
48.2 %
Amumu vs Janna
Janna1,107 Games
In Game
48.2 %
Amumu vs Sona
Sona1,046 Games
In Game
48.1 %
Amumu vs Zilean
Zilean538 Games
In Game
48 %
Amumu vs Hecarim
Hecarim1,196 Games
In Game
48 %
Amumu vs Lissandra
Lissandra581 Games
In Game
48 %
Amumu vs Rengar
Rengar1,579 Games
In Game
47.9 %
Amumu vs Tryndamere
Tryndamere1,202 Games
In Game
47.8 %
Amumu vs Trundle
Trundle3,133 Games
In Game
47.8 %
Amumu vs Jhin
Jhin5,307 Games
In Game
47.8 %
Amumu vs Aphelios
Aphelios1,094 Games
In Game
47.8 %
Amumu vs Poppy
Poppy775 Games
In Game
47.7 %
Amumu vs Teemo
Teemo3,941 Games
In Game
47.7 %
Amumu vs Syndra
Syndra1,171 Games
In Game
47.7 %
Amumu vs Graves
Graves2,139 Games
In Game
47.7 %
Amumu vs Morgana
Morgana2,493 Games
In Game
47.7 %
Amumu vs Vi
Vi1,390 Games
In Game
47.6 %
Amumu vs Nocturne
Nocturne2,800 Games
In Game
47.6 %
Amumu vs Kog'Maw
Kog'Maw393 Games
In Game
47.6 %
Amumu vs Aatrox
Aatrox2,314 Games
In Game
47.6 %
Amumu vs Ornn
Ornn1,070 Games
In Game
47.6 %
Amumu vs Gangplank
Gangplank741 Games
In Game
47.5 %
Amumu vs Sylas
Sylas1,856 Games
In Game
47.3 %
Amumu vs Camille
Camille617 Games
In Game
47.3 %
Amumu vs Malzahar
Malzahar1,641 Games
In Game
47.3 %
Amumu vs Cho'Gath
Cho'Gath1,126 Games
In Game
47.2 %
Amumu vs Sett
Sett1,288 Games
In Game
47.1 %
Amumu vs Jinx
Jinx2,507 Games
In Game
47.1 %
Amumu vs Ekko
Ekko2,294 Games
In Game
47 %
Amumu vs Maokai
Maokai2,122 Games
In Game
47 %
Amumu vs Illaoi
Illaoi895 Games
In Game
46.9 %
Amumu vs Milio
Milio1,077 Games
In Game
46.8 %
Amumu vs Kled
Kled553 Games
In Game
46.7 %
Amumu vs Swain
Swain1,889 Games
In Game
46.6 %
Amumu vs Bel'Veth
Bel'Veth1,010 Games
In Game
46.4 %
Amumu vs Taric
Taric468 Games
In Game
46.4 %
Amumu vs Anivia
Anivia700 Games
In Game
46.3 %
Amumu vs Aurelion Sol
Aurelion Sol757 Games
In Game
46.2 %
Amumu vs Brand
Brand3,154 Games
In Game
46.1 %
Amumu vs Kassadin
Kassadin656 Games
In Game
46 %
Amumu vs Zyra
Zyra2,095 Games
In Game
45.8 %
Amumu vs Braum
Braum554 Games
In Game
45.7 %
Amumu vs Vel'Koz
Vel'Koz1,030 Games
In Game
45.6 %
Amumu vs Leona
Leona1,906 Games
In Game
45.5 %
Amumu vs Wukong
Wukong545 Games
In Game
45.5 %
Amumu vs Singed
Singed1,175 Games
In Game
45.5 %
Amumu vs Xerath
Xerath1,941 Games
In Game
45.4 %
Amumu vs Bard
Bard1,329 Games
In Game
45 %
Amumu vs Fizz
Fizz2,437 Games
In Game
44.8 %
Amumu vs Cassiopeia
Cassiopeia476 Games
In Game
44.7 %
Amumu vs Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune6,513 Games
In Game
44.7 %
Amumu vs Zac
Zac1,182 Games
In Game
44 %
Amumu vs Olaf
Olaf457 Games
In Game
43.8 %
Amumu vs Mordekaiser
Mordekaiser3,332 Games
In Game
42.9 %
Amumu vs Lillia
Lillia3,238 Games
In Game
41.8 %