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League of Legends 英雄


在下方选择一名英雄,查看建议的符文、出装、克制关系和游戏数据。你可以通过英雄名称等筛选条件选择英雄。 '在每个英雄的页面,都有此英雄针对不同敌方阵容的符文与出装建议。并且这些游戏数据和建议还会因为段位的不同而有所区别。


最新加入Rift的英雄联盟冠军是Naafiri,使Riot Games的冠军总数达到165个。如果你今天正在寻找一个新的LoL冠军来尝试,请使用下面的选项来专门过滤它们,并在今天开始掌握Naafiri!
support role symbolmage class万花通灵 is in the b tier of champions49.7% 5.7% 4.6%
Secondary Rune
万花通灵 uses 3152 in their best build万花通灵 uses 3853 in their best build万花通灵 uses 4628 in their best build万花通灵 uses 3158 in their best build
top role symbolfighter class不屈之枪 is in the a tier of champions49.7% 10.6% 6.8%
Secondary Rune
不屈之枪 uses 6692 in their best build不屈之枪 uses 3161 in their best build不屈之枪 uses 6333 in their best build不屈之枪 uses 3111 in their best build
top role symbolfighter class不灭狂雷 is in the b tier of champions49.9% 6.9% 1.7%
Secondary Rune
不灭狂雷 uses 3078 in their best build不灭狂雷 uses 3115 in their best build不灭狂雷 uses 3181 in their best build不灭狂雷 uses 3111 in their best build
middle role symbolassassin class不祥之刃 is in the b tier of champions48.5% 5.3% 4.9%
Secondary Rune
不祥之刃 uses 3152 in their best build不祥之刃 uses 3089 in their best build不祥之刃 uses 3100 in their best build不祥之刃 uses 3020 in their best build
bottom role symbolfighter class不羁之悦 is in the s tier of champions52.1% 4% 5.6%
Secondary Rune
不羁之悦 uses 6675 in their best build不羁之悦 uses 3046 in their best build不羁之悦 uses 6676 in their best build不羁之悦 uses 3006 in their best build
middle role symbolmage class九尾妖狐 is in the b tier of champions49.3% 8% 4.5%
Secondary Rune
九尾妖狐 uses 6655 in their best build九尾妖狐 uses 3089 in their best build九尾妖狐 uses 4628 in their best build九尾妖狐 uses 3020 in their best build
top role symboltank class亡灵战神 is in the a tier of champions50.4% 8% 4.2%
Secondary Rune
亡灵战神 uses 6662 in their best build亡灵战神 uses 3068 in their best build亡灵战神 uses 3748 in their best build亡灵战神 uses 3009 in their best build
support role symbolsupport class仙灵女巫 is in the b tier of champions48.1% 4.2% 2%
Secondary Rune
仙灵女巫 uses 2065 in their best build仙灵女巫 uses 3504 in their best build仙灵女巫 uses 6616 in their best build仙灵女巫 uses 3117 in their best build
support role symbolsupport class众星之子 is in the s tier of champions51.4% 7.8% 3.5%
Secondary Rune
众星之子 uses 6617 in their best build众星之子 uses 3504 in their best build众星之子 uses 6616 in their best build众星之子 uses 3158 in their best build
jungle role symbolassassin class傲之追猎者 is in the a tier of champions47% 3.7% 3.4%
Secondary Rune
傲之追猎者 uses 6691 in their best build傲之追猎者 uses 3074 in their best build傲之追猎者 uses 6696 in their best build傲之追猎者 uses 3158 in their best build
middle role symbolassassin class元素女皇 is in the b tier of champions47.3% 2.3% 0.4%
Secondary Rune
元素女皇 uses 6691 in their best build元素女皇 uses 3026 in their best build元素女皇 uses 3814 in their best build元素女皇 uses 3158 in their best build
support role symbolmage class光辉女郎 is in the a tier of champions50.4% 22.4% 18.7%
Secondary Rune
光辉女郎 uses 6655 in their best build光辉女郎 uses 3100 in their best build光辉女郎 uses 3853 in their best build光辉女郎 uses 3020 in their best build
jungle role symbolfighter class兽灵行者 is in the s tier of champions51.8% 5.7% 3.5%
Secondary Rune
兽灵行者 uses 6631 in their best build兽灵行者 uses 3053 in their best build兽灵行者 uses 3161 in their best build兽灵行者 uses 3009 in their best build
middle role symbolmage class冰晶凤凰 is in the s tier of champions50.8% 2.9% 2.6%
Secondary Rune
冰晶凤凰 uses 6657 in their best build冰晶凤凰 uses 3040 in their best build冰晶凤凰 uses 3089 in their best build冰晶凤凰 uses 3020 in their best build
middle role symbolmage class冰霜女巫 is in the b tier of champions49.6% 3% 1.3%
Secondary Rune
冰霜女巫 uses 6653 in their best build冰霜女巫 uses 3089 in their best build冰霜女巫 uses 3157 in their best build冰霜女巫 uses 3020 in their best build
middle role symbolassassin class刀锋之影 is in the a tier of champions50.1% 3.8% 1.1%
Secondary Rune
刀锋之影 uses 6691 in their best build刀锋之影 uses 6676 in their best build刀锋之影 uses 6696 in their best build刀锋之影 uses 3158 in their best build
middle role symbolfighter class刀锋舞者 is in the b tier of champions49.9% 5.8% 8%
Secondary Rune
刀锋舞者 uses 6632 in their best build刀锋舞者 uses 3026 in their best build刀锋舞者 uses 3153 in their best build刀锋舞者 uses 3111 in their best build
jungle role symboltank class北地之怒 is in the b tier of champions47.8% 2.4% 0.3%
Secondary Rune
北地之怒 uses 3084 in their best build北地之怒 uses 3068 in their best build北地之怒 uses 8020 in their best build北地之怒 uses 3111 in their best build
middle role symbolmage class卡牌大师 is in the a tier of champions48.9% 2.9% 0.1%
Secondary Rune
卡牌大师 uses 6655 in their best build卡牌大师 uses 3100 in their best build卡牌大师 uses 4645 in their best build卡牌大师 uses 3020 in their best build
middle role symbolmage class发条魔灵 is in the s tier of champions50.2% 4.2% 0.5%
Secondary Rune
发条魔灵 uses 6653 in their best build发条魔灵 uses 3089 in their best build发条魔灵 uses 4645 in their best build发条魔灵 uses 3020 in their best build
jungle role symbolfighter class含羞蓓蕾 is in the s tier of champions52.9% 7.9% 5.6%
Secondary Rune
含羞蓓蕾 uses 6657 in their best build含羞蓓蕾 uses 3089 in their best build含羞蓓蕾 uses 4637 in their best build含羞蓓蕾 uses 3158 in their best build
support role symbolsupport class唤潮鲛姬 is in the a tier of champions50.2% 5.5% 0.3%
Secondary Rune
唤潮鲛姬 uses 2065 in their best build唤潮鲛姬 uses 3504 in their best build唤潮鲛姬 uses 4005 in their best build唤潮鲛姬 uses 3117 in their best build
bottom role symbolmarksman class圣枪游侠 is in the a tier of champions48.6% 6.7% 0.8%
Secondary Rune
圣枪游侠 uses 6675 in their best build圣枪游侠 uses 3026 in their best build圣枪游侠 uses 6676 in their best build圣枪游侠 uses 3158 in their best build
jungle role symboltank class圣锤之毅 is in the b tier of champions49.1% 4.4% 2.1%
Secondary Rune
圣锤之毅 uses 6632 in their best build圣锤之毅 uses 3053 in their best build圣锤之毅 uses 3742 in their best build圣锤之毅 uses 3047 in their best build
support role symbolmage class堕落天使 is in the b tier of champions49.6% 8.8% 22.1%
Secondary Rune
堕落天使 uses 6653 in their best build堕落天使 uses 3089 in their best build堕落天使 uses 3157 in their best build堕落天使 uses 3020 in their best build
bottom role symbolmarksman class复仇之矛 is in the b tier of champions47.8% 1.4% 0.2%
Secondary Rune
复仇之矛 uses 3124 in their best build复仇之矛 uses 3026 in their best build复仇之矛 uses 3153 in their best build复仇之矛 uses 3006 in their best build
support role symbolmage class复仇焰魂 is in the b tier of champions51% 8.5% 6.9%
Secondary Rune
复仇焰魂 uses 6653 in their best build复仇焰魂 uses 3089 in their best build复仇焰魂 uses 3853 in their best build复仇焰魂 uses 3020 in their best build
support role symbolmage class大发明家 is in the a tier of champions50.6% 4.2% 2.2%
Secondary Rune
大发明家 uses 6653 in their best build大发明家 uses 3089 in their best build大发明家 uses 3116 in their best build大发明家 uses 3020 in their best build
support role symbolmage class天启者 is in the b tier of champions48.8% 4.6% 0.7%
Secondary Rune
天启者 uses 6620 in their best build天启者 uses 4005 in their best build天启者 uses 6616 in their best build天启者 uses 3020 in their best build
bottom role symbolmarksman class寒冰射手 is in the a tier of champions51.2% 20.5% 18%
Secondary Rune
寒冰射手 uses 3078 in their best build寒冰射手 uses 3046 in their best build寒冰射手 uses 3072 in their best build寒冰射手 uses 3006 in their best build
middle role symbolassassin class封魔剑魂 is in the b tier of champions49.2% 12.9% 11.5%
Secondary Rune
封魔剑魂 uses 3001 in their best build封魔剑魂 uses 6672 in their best build封魔剑魂 uses 6673 in their best build封魔剑魂 uses 3006 in their best build
top role symboltank class山隐之焰 is in the s tier of champions50.5% 3.4% 0.7%
Secondary Rune
山隐之焰 uses 7026 in their best build山隐之焰 uses 3068 in their best build山隐之焰 uses 3083 in their best build山隐之焰 uses 3111 in their best build
middle role symbolmage class岩雀 is in the a tier of champions50.1% 3.7% 0.5%
Secondary Rune
岩雀 uses 6655 in their best build岩雀 uses 3040 in their best build岩雀 uses 3089 in their best build岩雀 uses 3158 in their best build
jungle role symbolfighter class巨魔之王 is in the a tier of champions51.2% 4.2% 1.3%
Secondary Rune
巨魔之王 uses 6632 in their best build巨魔之王 uses 3074 in their best build巨魔之王 uses 3110 in their best build巨魔之王 uses 3111 in their best build
support role symbolsupport class幻翎 is in the a tier of champions50.5% 5.2% 1.4%
Secondary Rune
幻翎 uses 2065 in their best build幻翎 uses 3860 in their best build幻翎 uses 4643 in their best build幻翎 uses 3158 in their best build
support role symbolsupport class弗雷尔卓德之心 is in the b tier of champions49.9% 2.5% 0.4%
Secondary Rune
弗雷尔卓德之心 uses 3001 in their best build弗雷尔卓德之心 uses 3050 in their best build弗雷尔卓德之心 uses 3109 in their best build弗雷尔卓德之心 uses 3111 in their best build
middle role symbolmarksman class影哨 is in the b tier of champions50.7% 4.2% 5.5%
Secondary Rune
影哨 uses 3124 in their best build影哨 uses 3094 in their best build影哨 uses 6672 in their best build影哨 uses 3111 in their best build
middle role symbolassassin class影流之主 is in the a tier of champions49.6% 10.3% 30.6%
Secondary Rune
影流之主 uses 6691 in their best build影流之主 uses 3074 in their best build影流之主 uses 6696 in their best build影流之主 uses 3158 in their best build
jungle role symbolfighter class影流之镰 is in the s tier of champions50.6% 11.6% 22.8%
Secondary Rune
影流之镰 uses 6691 in their best build影流之镰 uses 3161 in their best build影流之镰 uses 6694 in their best build影流之镰 uses 3158 in their best build
top role symbolfighter class德玛西亚之力 is in the s tier of champions51.8% 12.8% 7.6%
Secondary Rune
德玛西亚之力 uses 6631 in their best build德玛西亚之力 uses 3161 in their best build德玛西亚之力 uses 3742 in their best build德玛西亚之力 uses 3006 in their best build
top role symbolmarksman class德玛西亚之翼 is in the s tier of champions51.2% 3.6% 3%
Secondary Rune
德玛西亚之翼 uses 3142 in their best build德玛西亚之翼 uses 3026 in their best build德玛西亚之翼 uses 3087 in their best build德玛西亚之翼 uses 3047 in their best build
jungle role symboltank class德玛西亚皇子 is in the a tier of champions51.3% 10% 20.1%
Secondary Rune
德玛西亚皇子 uses 6630 in their best build德玛西亚皇子 uses 3053 in their best build德玛西亚皇子 uses 3110 in their best build德玛西亚皇子 uses 3158 in their best build
jungle role symbolfighter class德邦总管 is in the b tier of champions50.1% 3.2% 0.4%
Secondary Rune
德邦总管 uses 6692 in their best build德邦总管 uses 3026 in their best build德邦总管 uses 6333 in their best build德邦总管 uses 3111 in their best build
jungle role symbolassassin class恶魔小丑 is in the s tier of champions50.4% 9.2% 20.2%
Secondary Rune
恶魔小丑 uses 3142 in their best build恶魔小丑 uses 3036 in their best build恶魔小丑 uses 3153 in their best build恶魔小丑 uses 3158 in their best build
bottom role symbolmarksman class惩戒之箭 is in the b tier of champions49% 4.7% 0.5%
Secondary Rune
惩戒之箭 uses 3124 in their best build惩戒之箭 uses 3026 in their best build惩戒之箭 uses 3036 in their best build惩戒之箭 uses 3158 in their best build
middle role symbolmage class愁云使者 is in the b tier of champions50.6% 7.1% 7.8%
Secondary Rune
愁云使者 uses 6655 in their best build愁云使者 uses 3089 in their best build愁云使者 uses 4628 in their best build愁云使者 uses 3020 in their best build
bottom role symbolmarksman class戏命师 is in the a tier of champions50.5% 15.4% 3.8%
Secondary Rune
戏命师 uses 3142 in their best build戏命师 uses 3095 in their best build戏命师 uses 6676 in their best build戏命师 uses 3009 in their best build
jungle role symbolfighter class战争之影 is in the a tier of champions49.2% 7.1% 15.9%
Secondary Rune
战争之影 uses 6692 in their best build战争之影 uses 3074 in their best build战争之影 uses 3161 in their best build战争之影 uses 3158 in their best build
bottom role symbolmarksman class战争女神 is in the a tier of champions50.5% 6.3% 1.3%
Secondary Rune
战争女神 uses 6675 in their best build战争女神 uses 3087 in their best build战争女神 uses 3508 in their best build战争女神 uses 3006 in their best build
support role symboltank class扭曲树精 is in the a tier of champions51.6% 4.6% 0.7%
Secondary Rune
扭曲树精 uses 3001 in their best build扭曲树精 uses 3742 in their best build扭曲树精 uses 4637 in their best build扭曲树精 uses 3009 in their best build
jungle role symboltank class披甲龙龟 is in the a tier of champions51.8% 4% 10.3%
Secondary Rune
披甲龙龟 uses 6665 in their best build披甲龙龟 uses 3068 in their best build披甲龙龟 uses 3742 in their best build披甲龙龟 uses 3047 in their best build
bottom role symbolmarksman class探险家 is in the a tier of champions49.1% 19.9% 9.9%
Secondary Rune
探险家 uses 6675 in their best build探险家 uses 3508 in their best build探险家 uses 6672 in their best build探险家 uses 3158 in their best build
top role symbolfighter class放逐之刃 is in the s tier of champions49.2% 4.6% 1%
Secondary Rune
放逐之刃 uses 6691 in their best build放逐之刃 uses 3071 in their best build放逐之刃 uses 6333 in their best build放逐之刃 uses 3158 in their best build
top role symbolfighter class无双剑姬 is in the a tier of champions50.5% 4.5% 9.3%
Secondary Rune
无双剑姬 uses 3078 in their best build无双剑姬 uses 3161 in their best build无双剑姬 uses 3181 in their best build无双剑姬 uses 3111 in their best build
jungle role symbolassassin class无极剑圣 is in the a tier of champions49.5% 7.7% 19.3%
Secondary Rune
无极剑圣 uses 3124 in their best build无极剑圣 uses 3053 in their best build无极剑圣 uses 3091 in their best build无极剑圣 uses 3006 in their best build
top role symbolfighter class无畏战车 is in the s tier of champions51.5% 4% 1.5%
Secondary Rune
无畏战车 uses 6631 in their best build无畏战车 uses 3053 in their best build无畏战车 uses 6694 in their best build无畏战车 uses 3111 in their best build
support role symbolsupport class时光守护者 is in the a tier of champions50.2% 2.8% 0.7%
Secondary Rune
时光守护者 uses 2065 in their best build时光守护者 uses 3222 in their best build时光守护者 uses 3853 in their best build时光守护者 uses 3158 in their best build
jungle role symbolassassin class时间刺客 is in the s tier of champions51.3% 9.3% 4.9%
Secondary Rune
时间刺客 uses 3152 in their best build时间刺客 uses 3089 in their best build时间刺客 uses 3115 in their best build时间刺客 uses 3020 in their best build
support role symbolsupport class明烛 is in the b tier of champions48.6% 2.7% 1.4%
Secondary Rune
明烛 uses 2065 in their best build明烛 uses 3504 in their best build明烛 uses 6616 in their best build明烛 uses 3158 in their best build
support role symbolsupport class星界游神 is in the s tier of champions49.6% 3.8% 0.6%
Secondary Rune
星界游神 uses 3190 in their best build星界游神 uses 3742 in their best build星界游神 uses 4401 in their best build星界游神 uses 3009 in their best build
support role symbolmage class星籁歌姬 is in the b tier of champions49% 7.2% 2%
Secondary Rune
星籁歌姬 uses 6620 in their best build星籁歌姬 uses 3116 in their best build星籁歌姬 uses 3504 in their best build星籁歌姬 uses 3158 in their best build
bottom role symbolmarksman class暗夜猎手 is in the s tier of champions51.4% 13.1% 6.1%
Secondary Rune
暗夜猎手 uses 3078 in their best build暗夜猎手 uses 3091 in their best build暗夜猎手 uses 3156 in their best build暗夜猎手 uses 3006 in their best build
top role symbolfighter class暗裔剑魔 is in the a tier of champions50% 7.6% 12.9%
Secondary Rune
暗裔剑魔 uses 6691 in their best build暗裔剑魔 uses 3161 in their best build暗裔剑魔 uses 6694 in their best build暗裔剑魔 uses 3111 in their best build
middle role symbolmage class暗黑元首 is in the s tier of champions50.5% 4.4% 1.9%
Secondary Rune
暗黑元首 uses 6655 in their best build暗黑元首 uses 3040 in their best build暗黑元首 uses 3089 in their best build暗黑元首 uses 3020 in their best build
top role symboltank class暮光之眼 is in the a tier of champions50.1% 3.5% 0.5%
Secondary Rune
暮光之眼 uses 3084 in their best build暮光之眼 uses 3068 in their best build暮光之眼 uses 8020 in their best build暮光之眼 uses 3111 in their best build
middle role symbolmage class暮光星灵 is in the b tier of champions48.1% 2.9% 1.3%
Secondary Rune
暮光星灵 uses 6655 in their best build暮光星灵 uses 3089 in their best build暮光星灵 uses 4628 in their best build暮光星灵 uses 3020 in their best build
top role symbolfighter class暴怒骑士 is in the s tier of champions51.4% 2.3% 1.2%
Secondary Rune
暴怒骑士 uses 6692 in their best build暴怒骑士 uses 3074 in their best build暴怒骑士 uses 6676 in their best build暴怒骑士 uses 3111 in their best build
bottom role symbolmarksman class暴走萝莉 is in the b tier of champions47.9% 7% 0.7%
Secondary Rune
暴走萝莉 uses 3031 in their best build暴走萝莉 uses 3046 in their best build暴走萝莉 uses 3072 in their best build暴走萝莉 uses 3111 in their best build
support role symboltank class曙光女神 is in the a tier of champions51.1% 6.3% 4.6%
Secondary Rune
曙光女神 uses 3001 in their best build曙光女神 uses 3050 in their best build曙光女神 uses 3109 in their best build曙光女神 uses 3111 in their best build
middle role symbolfighter class未来守护者 is in the a tier of champions49.5% 3.9% 0.7%
Secondary Rune
未来守护者 uses 6691 in their best build未来守护者 uses 3026 in their best build未来守护者 uses 3042 in their best build未来守护者 uses 3158 in their best build
middle role symbolmage class机械先驱 is in the s tier of champions50.7% 3.3% 1.3%
Secondary Rune
机械先驱 uses 6653 in their best build机械先驱 uses 3089 in their best build机械先驱 uses 3100 in their best build机械先驱 uses 3020 in their best build
top role symbolfighter class机械公敌 is in the a tier of champions48.7% 2.4% 0.5%
Secondary Rune
机械公敌 uses 3152 in their best build机械公敌 uses 3135 in their best build机械公敌 uses 4637 in their best build机械公敌 uses 3020 in their best build
top role symbolfighter class正义天使 is in the s tier of champions51.2% 4.6% 2.1%
Secondary Rune
正义天使 uses 4633 in their best build正义天使 uses 3089 in their best build正义天使 uses 3100 in their best build正义天使 uses 3009 in their best build
middle role symboltank class正义巨像 is in the b tier of champions49.1% 2.2% 0.3%
Secondary Rune
正义巨像 uses 6656 in their best build正义巨像 uses 3102 in their best build正义巨像 uses 8020 in their best build正义巨像 uses 3020 in their best build
top role symbolfighter class武器大师 is in the b tier of champions48.9% 6.5% 9.9%
Secondary Rune
武器大师 uses 6632 in their best build武器大师 uses 3053 in their best build武器大师 uses 3157 in their best build武器大师 uses 3111 in their best build
jungle role symbolmage class死亡颂唱者 is in the a tier of champions49.9% 3.5% 1.7%
Secondary Rune
死亡颂唱者 uses 6653 in their best build死亡颂唱者 uses 3089 in their best build死亡颂唱者 uses 3135 in their best build死亡颂唱者 uses 3020 in their best build
jungle role symboltank class殇之木乃伊 is in the a tier of champions51.5% 6.3% 3.4%
Secondary Rune
殇之木乃伊 uses 6665 in their best build殇之木乃伊 uses 3116 in their best build殇之木乃伊 uses 4637 in their best build殇之木乃伊 uses 3111 in their best build
bottom role symbolmarksman class残月之肃 is in the b tier of champions47.9% 4.1% 0.9%
Secondary Rune
残月之肃 uses 3031 in their best build残月之肃 uses 6672 in their best build残月之肃 uses 6676 in their best build残月之肃 uses 3006 in their best build
jungle role symbolfighter class水晶先锋 is in the s tier of champions51.4% 1.1% 0.1%
Secondary Rune
水晶先锋 uses 6662 in their best build水晶先锋 uses 3068 in their best build水晶先锋 uses 3742 in their best build水晶先锋 uses 3158 in their best build
jungle role symbolassassin class永恒梦魇 is in the s tier of champions52.6% 10.4% 12.7%
Secondary Rune
永恒梦魇 uses 6631 in their best build永恒梦魇 uses 3026 in their best build永恒梦魇 uses 3153 in their best build永恒梦魇 uses 3111 in their best build
jungle role symbolmarksman class永猎双子 is in the a tier of champions48.5% 3% 4.7%
Secondary Rune
永猎双子 uses 3078 in their best build永猎双子 uses 3091 in their best build永猎双子 uses 3156 in their best build永猎双子 uses 3047 in their best build
top role symbolfighter class沙漠死神 is in the a tier of champions50.9% 7.4% 6%
Secondary Rune
沙漠死神 uses 6632 in their best build沙漠死神 uses 3110 in their best build沙漠死神 uses 6694 in their best build沙漠死神 uses 3158 in their best build
bottom role symbolmarksman class沙漠玫瑰 is in the b tier of champions49.3% 8.1% 17.2%
Secondary Rune
沙漠玫瑰 uses 3031 in their best build沙漠玫瑰 uses 3026 in their best build沙漠玫瑰 uses 3033 in their best build沙漠玫瑰 uses 3111 in their best build
middle role symbolmage class沙漠皇帝 is in the a tier of champions48.6% 2.6% 0.5%
Secondary Rune
沙漠皇帝 uses 6655 in their best build沙漠皇帝 uses 3089 in their best build沙漠皇帝 uses 4645 in their best build沙漠皇帝 uses 3020 in their best build
top role symbolsupport class河流之王 is in the a tier of champions49.3% 2.8% 0.7%
Secondary Rune
河流之王 uses 3084 in their best build河流之王 uses 3068 in their best build河流之王 uses 4637 in their best build河流之王 uses 3111 in their best build
jungle role symbolmarksman class法外狂徒 is in the a tier of champions50.7% 7.2% 4.3%
Secondary Rune
法外狂徒 uses 3142 in their best build法外狂徒 uses 3814 in their best build法外狂徒 uses 6676 in their best build法外狂徒 uses 3111 in their best build
top role symbolfighter class海兽祭司 is in the s tier of champions52.5% 6.7% 23.4%
Secondary Rune
海兽祭司 uses 6662 in their best build海兽祭司 uses 3053 in their best build海兽祭司 uses 3181 in their best build海兽祭司 uses 3111 in their best build
top role symbolfighter class海洋之灾 is in the a tier of champions48.4% 4.9% 2.4%
Secondary Rune
海洋之灾 uses 6691 in their best build海洋之灾 uses 6676 in their best build海洋之灾 uses 6696 in their best build海洋之灾 uses 3158 in their best build
support role symbolmarksman class涤魂圣枪 is in the s tier of champions50.7% 12.3% 5%
Secondary Rune
涤魂圣枪 uses 6692 in their best build涤魂圣枪 uses 3179 in their best build涤魂圣枪 uses 6696 in their best build涤魂圣枪 uses 3009 in their best build
support role symboltank class深海泰坦 is in the a tier of champions49.5% 9.6% 12.2%
Secondary Rune
深海泰坦 uses 3190 in their best build深海泰坦 uses 3109 in their best build深海泰坦 uses 4401 in their best build深海泰坦 uses 3111 in their best build
bottom role symbolmarksman class深渊巨口 is in the a tier of champions50.9% 2.3% 0.6%
Secondary Rune
深渊巨口 uses 3124 in their best build深渊巨口 uses 3085 in their best build深渊巨口 uses 3091 in their best build深渊巨口 uses 3020 in their best build
middle role symbolassassin class潮汐海灵 is in the s tier of champions51.8% 7.2% 15.1%
Secondary Rune
潮汐海灵 uses 6655 in their best build潮汐海灵 uses 3157 in their best build潮汐海灵 uses 4629 in their best build潮汐海灵 uses 3158 in their best build
top role symbolfighter class灵罗娃娃 is in the b tier of champions49% 4.4% 2.4%
Secondary Rune
灵罗娃娃 uses 4633 in their best build灵罗娃娃 uses 3089 in their best build灵罗娃娃 uses 3115 in their best build灵罗娃娃 uses 3111 in their best build
top role symboltank class炼金术士 is in the s tier of champions52% 3% 0.7%
Secondary Rune
炼金术士 uses 6657 in their best build炼金术士 uses 3089 in their best build炼金术士 uses 3116 in their best build炼金术士 uses 3009 in their best build
support role symbolsupport class炼金男爵 is in the a tier of champions50.6% 2% 0.4%
Secondary Rune
炼金男爵 uses 2065 in their best build炼金男爵 uses 3107 in their best build炼金男爵 uses 3504 in their best build炼金男爵 uses 3158 in their best build
top role symboltank class熔岩巨兽 is in the s tier of champions51% 9% 13.3%
Secondary Rune
熔岩巨兽 uses 6662 in their best build熔岩巨兽 uses 3068 in their best build熔岩巨兽 uses 3121 in their best build熔岩巨兽 uses 3047 in their best build
middle role symbolmage class爆破鬼才 is in the b tier of champions48.9% 4.5% 0.9%
Secondary Rune
爆破鬼才 uses 6655 in their best build爆破鬼才 uses 3040 in their best build爆破鬼才 uses 3089 in their best build爆破鬼才 uses 3020 in their best build
support role symboltank class牛头酋长 is in the s tier of champions50.8% 4.4% 1.3%
Secondary Rune
牛头酋长 uses 6667 in their best build牛头酋长 uses 3157 in their best build牛头酋长 uses 3860 in their best build牛头酋长 uses 3117 in their best build
top role symbolfighter class牧魂人 is in the b tier of champions50.7% 5.8% 10.5%
Secondary Rune
牧魂人 uses 6691 in their best build牧魂人 uses 3074 in their best build牧魂人 uses 6676 in their best build牧魂人 uses 3111 in their best build
jungle role symbolfighter class狂厄蔷薇 is in the b tier of champions49.3% 13.9% 29.8%
Secondary Rune
狂厄蔷薇 uses 6631 in their best build狂厄蔷薇 uses 3071 in their best build狂厄蔷薇 uses 3161 in their best build狂厄蔷薇 uses 3111 in their best build
top role symbolfighter class狂战士 is in the a tier of champions50% 2.7% 2.1%
Secondary Rune
狂战士 uses 3078 in their best build狂战士 uses 3074 in their best build狂战士 uses 3181 in their best build狂战士 uses 3111 in their best build
top role symbolmage class狂暴之心 is in the b tier of champions47.2% 1.9% 0.5%
Secondary Rune
狂暴之心 uses 3152 in their best build狂暴之心 uses 3089 in their best build狂暴之心 uses 4645 in their best build狂暴之心 uses 3020 in their best build
jungle role symbolassassin class狂野女猎手 is in the b tier of champions45.7% 2.2% 0.4%
Secondary Rune
狂野女猎手 uses 4636 in their best build狂野女猎手 uses 3089 in their best build狂野女猎手 uses 3100 in their best build狂野女猎手 uses 3020 in their best build
middle role symbolmage class猩红收割者 is in the a tier of champions49.6% 4.2% 3.5%
Secondary Rune
猩红收割者 uses 3152 in their best build猩红收割者 uses 3089 in their best build猩红收割者 uses 4629 in their best build猩红收割者 uses 3020 in their best build
support role symbolsupport class琴瑟仙女 is in the s tier of champions51.1% 4.8% 0.3%
Secondary Rune
琴瑟仙女 uses 6617 in their best build琴瑟仙女 uses 3040 in their best build琴瑟仙女 uses 6616 in their best build琴瑟仙女 uses 3158 in their best build
support role symbolsupport class瓦洛兰之盾 is in the s tier of champions46.5% 2.9% 0.7%
Secondary Rune
瓦洛兰之盾 uses 3190 in their best build瓦洛兰之盾 uses 3109 in their best build瓦洛兰之盾 uses 3121 in their best build瓦洛兰之盾 uses 3047 in their best build
jungle role symboltank class生化魔人 is in the s tier of champions51.5% 4% 1.9%
Secondary Rune
生化魔人 uses 6667 in their best build生化魔人 uses 4637 in their best build生化魔人 uses 8020 in their best build生化魔人 uses 3158 in their best build
middle role symbolfighter class疾风剑豪 is in the a tier of champions49.7% 14% 20.5%
Secondary Rune
疾风剑豪 uses 6662 in their best build疾风剑豪 uses 6672 in their best build疾风剑豪 uses 6673 in their best build疾风剑豪 uses 3006 in their best build
jungle role symbolassassin class痛苦之拥 is in the s tier of champions50.1% 5% 9.8%
Secondary Rune
痛苦之拥 uses 3152 in their best build痛苦之拥 uses 3100 in their best build痛苦之拥 uses 3102 in their best build痛苦之拥 uses 3020 in their best build
bottom role symbolmarksman class瘟疫之源 is in the s tier of champions50.5% 6.7% 5.6%
Secondary Rune
瘟疫之源 uses 3031 in their best build瘟疫之源 uses 3072 in their best build瘟疫之源 uses 6672 in their best build瘟疫之源 uses 3158 in their best build
middle role symbolassassin class百裂冥犬 is in the a tier of champions50.9% 6.1% 21.7%
Secondary Rune
百裂冥犬 uses 6692 in their best build百裂冥犬 uses 3026 in their best build百裂冥犬 uses 3074 in their best build百裂冥犬 uses 3158 in their best build
jungle role symbolfighter class皎月女神 is in the a tier of champions50.2% 8% 2.5%
Secondary Rune
皎月女神 uses 4633 in their best build皎月女神 uses 3089 in their best build皎月女神 uses 3157 in their best build皎月女神 uses 3020 in their best build
bottom role symbolmarksman class皮城女警 is in the a tier of champions49.7% 17.9% 11.8%
Secondary Rune
皮城女警 uses 6671 in their best build皮城女警 uses 3026 in their best build皮城女警 uses 6676 in their best build皮城女警 uses 3158 in their best build
jungle role symbolfighter class皮城执法官 is in the b tier of champions50.6% 4.8% 1.2%
Secondary Rune
皮城执法官 uses 6692 in their best build皮城执法官 uses 3026 in their best build皮城执法官 uses 6333 in their best build皮城执法官 uses 3111 in their best build
jungle role symbolfighter class盲僧 is in the b tier of champions46.3% 5.5% 1.4%
Secondary Rune
盲僧 uses 6692 in their best build盲僧 uses 3026 in their best build盲僧 uses 3074 in their best build盲僧 uses 3111 in their best build
jungle role symbolassassin class破败之王 is in the b tier of champions49.7% 7.2% 2.9%
Secondary Rune
破败之王 uses 3078 in their best build破败之王 uses 6672 in their best build破败之王 uses 6676 in their best build破败之王 uses 3111 in their best build
jungle role symbolfighter class祖安怒兽 is in the a tier of champions50.4% 9.3% 6.5%
Secondary Rune
祖安怒兽 uses 3124 in their best build祖安怒兽 uses 3065 in their best build祖安怒兽 uses 3153 in their best build祖安怒兽 uses 3111 in their best build
top role symbolfighter class祖安狂人 is in the s tier of champions52% 4.6% 3.3%
Secondary Rune
祖安狂人 uses 3084 in their best build祖安狂人 uses 3068 in their best build祖安狂人 uses 3748 in their best build祖安狂人 uses 3111 in their best build
bottom role symbolmarksman class祖安花火 is in the b tier of champions48.3% 4.1% 1.2%
Secondary Rune
祖安花火 uses 3031 in their best build祖安花火 uses 3072 in their best build祖安花火 uses 3085 in their best build祖安花火 uses 3009 in their best build
middle role symbolassassin class离群之刺 is in the a tier of champions49.8% 8.8% 11.8%
Secondary Rune
离群之刺 uses 3152 in their best build离群之刺 uses 3089 in their best build离群之刺 uses 3100 in their best build离群之刺 uses 3020 in their best build
middle role symbolmage class符文法师 is in the a tier of champions49.8% 2% 0.2%
Secondary Rune
符文法师 uses 6656 in their best build符文法师 uses 3040 in their best build符文法师 uses 3110 in their best build符文法师 uses 3020 in their best build
top role symboltank class纳祖芒荣耀 is in the b tier of champions44.4% 2.8% 1.7%
Secondary Rune
纳祖芒荣耀 uses 6662 in their best build纳祖芒荣耀 uses 3068 in their best build纳祖芒荣耀 uses 8020 in their best build纳祖芒荣耀 uses 3047 in their best build
jungle role symbolsupport class翠神 is in the s tier of champions51.6% 1.6% 0.7%
Secondary Rune
翠神 uses 2065 in their best build翠神 uses 3107 in their best build翠神 uses 4005 in their best build翠神 uses 3158 in their best build
top role symbolfighter class腕豪 is in the b tier of champions50.8% 7.5% 2.9%
Secondary Rune
腕豪 uses 6630 in their best build腕豪 uses 3181 in their best build腕豪 uses 3748 in their best build腕豪 uses 3111 in their best build
middle role symbolmarksman class英勇投弹手 is in the b tier of champions47.5% 1% 0.2%
Secondary Rune
英勇投弹手 uses 3078 in their best build英勇投弹手 uses 3026 in their best build英勇投弹手 uses 3074 in their best build英勇投弹手 uses 3006 in their best build
support role symbolmage class荆棘之兴 is in the s tier of champions52.8% 10.2% 12.2%
Secondary Rune
荆棘之兴 uses 6653 in their best build荆棘之兴 uses 3089 in their best build荆棘之兴 uses 3853 in their best build荆棘之兴 uses 3020 in their best build
top role symbolfighter class荒漠屠夫 is in the b tier of champions49.4% 7.9% 5.6%
Secondary Rune
荒漠屠夫 uses 6631 in their best build荒漠屠夫 uses 3053 in their best build荒漠屠夫 uses 3161 in their best build荒漠屠夫 uses 3111 in their best build
bottom role symbolmarksman class荣耀行刑官 is in the a tier of champions48.5% 5.2% 11.8%
Secondary Rune
荣耀行刑官 uses 3142 in their best build荣耀行刑官 uses 3072 in their best build荣耀行刑官 uses 6676 in their best build荣耀行刑官 uses 3006 in their best build
support role symboltank class蒸汽机器人 is in the s tier of champions51.2% 7.6% 27.5%
Secondary Rune
蒸汽机器人 uses 3001 in their best build蒸汽机器人 uses 3109 in their best build蒸汽机器人 uses 3110 in their best build蒸汽机器人 uses 3117 in their best build
bottom role symbolmarksman class虚空之女 is in the b tier of champions49.6% 19.7% 10.9%
Secondary Rune
虚空之女 uses 6675 in their best build虚空之女 uses 3046 in their best build虚空之女 uses 6676 in their best build虚空之女 uses 3020 in their best build
support role symbolmage class虚空之眼 is in the a tier of champions50.4% 3.6% 0.7%
Secondary Rune
虚空之眼 uses 6655 in their best build虚空之眼 uses 3089 in their best build虚空之眼 uses 3853 in their best build虚空之眼 uses 3020 in their best build
middle role symbolmage class虚空先知 is in the a tier of champions51% 7.4% 11.3%
Secondary Rune
虚空先知 uses 6653 in their best build虚空先知 uses 3040 in their best build虚空先知 uses 3089 in their best build虚空先知 uses 3020 in their best build
jungle role symbolfighter class虚空女皇 is in the s tier of champions50.1% 5.2% 5.9%
Secondary Rune
虚空女皇 uses 6631 in their best build虚空女皇 uses 3026 in their best build虚空女皇 uses 3071 in their best build虚空女皇 uses 3111 in their best build
top role symboltank class虚空恐惧 is in the a tier of champions50.7% 5.2% 1.6%
Secondary Rune
虚空恐惧 uses 3084 in their best build虚空恐惧 uses 3068 in their best build虚空恐惧 uses 3083 in their best build虚空恐惧 uses 3111 in their best build
jungle role symbolassassin class虚空掠夺者 is in the a tier of champions49.6% 6.6% 9.2%
Secondary Rune
虚空掠夺者 uses 6692 in their best build虚空掠夺者 uses 3026 in their best build虚空掠夺者 uses 6693 in their best build虚空掠夺者 uses 3158 in their best build
middle role symbolassassin class虚空行者 is in the s tier of champions49.9% 2.7% 2%
Secondary Rune
虚空行者 uses 4644 in their best build虚空行者 uses 3040 in their best build虚空行者 uses 3100 in their best build虚空行者 uses 3158 in their best build
jungle role symbolfighter class虚空遁地兽 is in the a tier of champions50.5% 2.6% 4.4%
Secondary Rune
虚空遁地兽 uses 6631 in their best build虚空遁地兽 uses 3053 in their best build虚空遁地兽 uses 3814 in their best build虚空遁地兽 uses 3111 in their best build
top role symbolfighter class蛮族之王 is in the s tier of champions51.6% 9.1% 15%
Secondary Rune
蛮族之王 uses 6631 in their best build蛮族之王 uses 3046 in their best build蛮族之王 uses 3074 in their best build蛮族之王 uses 3006 in their best build
jungle role symbolmage class蜘蛛女皇 is in the a tier of champions48.5% 1.5% 0.7%
Secondary Rune
蜘蛛女皇 uses 3152 in their best build蜘蛛女皇 uses 3089 in their best build蜘蛛女皇 uses 4645 in their best build蜘蛛女皇 uses 3020 in their best build
support role symbol